i recommend to all cancer patients Ozone3 therapy...look into it on YouTube. Good supplements to fight cancer are: Ginger extract, cat's claw, milk thistle, pycnogenol....look up flaxseed and cottage cheese on Google...good for cancer.
Cancer fighters: i recommend to all cancer... - My Ovacome
Cancer fighters

Just saw an interesting bit of info on strawberries!!
A Berry Medley With a Punch
'Strawberries and raspberries have a phytochemical called ellagic acid. This powerful antioxidant may actually fight cancer in several ways at once, including deactivating certain cancer causing substances and slowing the growth of cancer cells'.
I'm always Googling to find out info about good cancer fighting foods for Mum's diet. I think strawberries are a good source of fibre too.
Jane x
I do green juicing as in green apples, kiwis celery cucumber and ginger most days. I also use flaxseed. I read recently about strawberries so got them yesterday. I just have the one glass I dont go overboard. Beetroot is also meant to be a good food to have as well as it unclogs the system and is good for the liver. I take the flaxseed in yogurt or with a boiled egg. I have tried the cottage cheese, that is actually part of the Gerson therapy isnt it?

Wow, that sounds lovely and everyone should have some of that!! Do you have a juicing machine? Someone recommended Flaxseed for Mum. I think it's good for getting the bowel moving isn't it? (Think I'd heard that somewhere anyway!). I've heard that beetroot is a very good detox. I did encourage my Mum to eat that as she loves salads but she bought it for a while then stopped. I must encourage her to start buying it again. I've not heard of the Gerson therapy. Must Google that!! Mum really likes cottage cheese though. Thanks for the info. Jane x
The Gerson therapy was introduced by a Dr Gerson its cottage cheese with flaxseed diet not really appealing, I did try to bring it into my diet but fell down apart from flaxseed, sprinkling it on eggs or yogurt. My juicer isnt one of the best its a Philips Advantage from Argos. I have it five years almost, well ginger has been researched as being helpful so I use that to give it a flavour, definitely constipation gone away. Beetroot is also good but I just get these urges and then go back and have a biscuit well I suppose everything in moderation

I bought some organic flaxseed (linseed) from Holland and Barrett and I sprinkle it on my bran flakes and also have dried cranberries and some other seeds!! I keep on trying to encourage Mum to buy some flaxseed. She does have bowel problems and she takes Potters Cleansing Herbs to help with that. She loves cottage cheese and has some on Ryvita for supper. I too love ginger and I buy root ginger and grate it onto salads with a cheese grater. It's lovely in juices and if I buy a juice from a juice bar I always have one with ginger. I don't think I'd manage to persuade Mum to buy root ginger - ginger nuts is probably the closest she'd get!! I love beetroot too and I hope the stuff in jars is healthy!! X