Woried about ovarian cancer: Hi im new to this im... - My Ovacome

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Woried about ovarian cancer

Julie-1976 profile image
16 Replies

Hi im new to this im posting because im a bit worried i went to gp in may with low abdominal pain and bloating stomach and full feeling they sent me for ultrasound and said everything was normal but they could not see my ovaries but said that was a good thing as they wernt unlarged or they would see them the symptoms have got no better infact there worse low abdo pain i look pregnant pressure in lower back nausea cant eat the list goes on gp said ibs started on mebevrine and buscopan still no better my mam dird 5 years ago of ovarian cancer and her sister is fighting breast cancer so why am i not being listened to or am i over reacting my ca125 is normal please help

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Julie-1976 profile image
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16 Replies
HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Julie,

I don't think you are over reacting at all and while it is probably nothing too serious with your history I would definitely shout until you are heard and get to see a gynae. Ultra Sounds are the initial diagnostic tool but I think you need to get further scanning such as a CT. I don't want to scare you but my CA125 was normal too, sometimes the CA125 is not a reliable indicator. What I am trying to say here is based on what you have said in your post with regard to your mum and your aunt coupled with your symptoms I would suggest you push until you are referred to a Gynae and get a CT.

I hope this helps and I hope it doesn't scare you, I wouldn't panic as in the vast majority of cases all is fine and explainable but for your own sanity you need to know for certain!


Julie-1976 profile image
Julie-1976 in reply to HogwartsDK

Thank you for the reply im going back to gp today as in may they could not see my ovaries on ultrasound so how can they no for certain

85live4ev profile image

Hi Julie, I would love to say you are over reacting but with your family history & your symptoms I think you have the right to be concerned.

I was told it was IBS even after mentioning my family history of ovarian cancer & breast cancer. No one listened to me for years by the time it was found it had spread.

The ca125 is helpful but not for everyone it can give wrong readings. See if they can give you a CT scan to put your mind at rest. Please keep strong & try to get a second opinion don't give up your health matters. Take care Cindyxx

Julie-1976 profile image
Julie-1976 in reply to 85live4ev

Than you cindy lets hope the gp listens to me today cant go on like this its getting to a point were if it is i would be relived and no what im up against its the not knowing and being fobed off whats worse

85live4ev profile image
85live4ev in reply to Julie-1976

Yes Julie, it's the not knowing that drags you down & GPS not listening to you. Can someone go with you, that can help. I agree with Hogwart you might need to be pushy & instead of asking for a CT scan demand one. Good luck, let us know how you get on. love Cindyxx

Lyndy profile image

You are doing the right thing by pushing...lets hope it's nothing to worry about but you ( and they) should be absolutely sure before looking for another explanation.

Don't be put off and contact your local PALS or Ovacome if you need help. This must be really hard for you to be worried but have no proof either way. But you are acting for your own best interests! Go you!

Xx L

Cropcrop profile image

Hey Julie, welcome. Given your family history I would push as hard as you can until You get a CT scan, your GP should be more proactive given your history, if you don't get any further with them ask for a second opinion OC is often misdiagnosed as IBS, so push as hard as you can to, hopefully, rule it out. Good luck, let us know how you get on ❤️Xx

Millie-c profile image

As the others have said definitely push for a ct scan. I was told for almost a year my symptoms were ibs and was given mebeverine and buscopan to treat. With your family history too I would ask to be referred to genetics for a brca gene test. Hope you get sorted sooner rather than later. Xx

HI Julie I am sorry you find you have to join us. I agree with the ladies, go back to your gp and tell him your family history, ask for a 125 blood test and a referral to a gynae consult, I would actually ask for a fasttrack consult in view of your symptoms. A scan should clearly show if it is OC or not, I really hope its not but better to have it sorted and then have a peaceful mind

Tesla_7US profile image

Julie, you are your own best advocate. Make noise now!!! Get a scan asap! I was fobbed off and misdiagnosed for two years!!! Do not wait. You history is a red flag!!! Love, Tesla

jmackmom profile image

It is possible to have an ovarian cyst, which can be quite large, and not have cancer. I had those exact symptoms and since they could not see my ovaries on the ultrasound, they misdiagnosed me for a year. Finally, after a CT they found a huge ovarian cyst and removed it surgically. The point is that you need to insist on further diagnostic radiology. It could be anything but it definitely is something. I did have cancer and did my chemo and am cancer free but it is rare that an ovarian cyst (if that is the case. I am not diagnosing just relating my experience) is malignant. Anyway, all my clothes fit me again! Let us know

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Julie,

You are not overreacting,can you not take someone with you to fight your corner?

CA125 isn't always an accurate way of diagnosis,I know everyone has a different story,but bearing in mind your family's history,they should be persuing your symptoms further.

My opinion is you shouldn't be in this discomfort,I'm no doctor,maybe you need to talk to the nurse on this site for further advice,

Lots of love and best wishes,

Carole xxx

Julie-1976 profile image

Well gp didnt listen more antispasmodical tablets said he wont refer for scan as he thinks its not related to ovaries i now have to go for a colonoscopie on 28th december x

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to Julie-1976

Your GP could be right but at the same time you sound distressed and surely they must pay attention to you when you are so anxious and worried, particularly with your family history!!? Why don't you ring the Ovacome nurse at 0800 008 7054 they may be able to help. I am not sure where you are but if its an option and if all else fails you can always go to A&E and insist on getting the scan? Its a drastic measure but you are obviously distressed and peace of mind is very valuable!


Julie-1976 profile image
Julie-1976 in reply to HogwartsDK

I live in sunderland in the northeast im just going to see what the test shows on the 28th if thats all normal i will push again

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to Julie-1976

That's the best choice I think! Good luck on the 28th and keep us posted. Try and relax and enjoy your Christmas in the meantime, remember the vast majority of time the tests will be negative!.

Happy Christmas!


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