Strange Women In The Mirror!: I have always had... - My Ovacome

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Strange Women In The Mirror!

kazrazmataz profile image
36 Replies

I have always had long straight blonde hair. However post chemo hairloss my hair is now a thick dark curly mop, weird!

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kazrazmataz profile image
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36 Replies
Jo-Bo profile image

Wow. Do you like it? Mine has just started growing back, tiny little stubbly bits. I wonder if mine will be different?

Patriciaa1963 profile image
Patriciaa1963 in reply to Jo-Bo

Mine is curly & a bit darker. I'm at at 5 months post chemo.

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to Jo-Bo

Hi Jo, getting some weird comments about the hair, like it matches my eyebrows as always had dark eyebrows, people also asking me if I've had it coloured and/or permed, Not sure if I like it but everyone is being complimentary saying it suits me (but I guess it makes a change from telling me how well I look as they don't know what else to say to me but I'm probably being a bit too cynical). Hope you are OK, have got scan follow up app this Thursday keep trying to put out my mind, its my own fault. I got it changed as they were just planning on seeing me end of Feb ie 3 months post treatment.

baxbird profile image
baxbird in reply to kazrazmataz

I've just read your response here and it made me giggle ! Well the bit about people saying how well you look, as they don't know what else to true!


AndreaW profile image

Hi, my hair was brown (with some help!) and long, it's now a short thick mop and what I'd describe as a salt & pepper colour and it's growing back with a vengeance. I'm off to the hairdressers this morning to have a trim and a colour, I'm thinking of going blonde, apparently they have more fun! :) xx

AndreaW profile image

Oh and I have stage 4 oc, I'm 3 months post chemo and currently on Avastin x

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to AndreaW

Would not give me Avastin as I did not have full 6 Paclitaxols due to allergy (Avastin trial was with Carbo and Paclitaxol for Firstline stage 4 so other firstline chemo combos not covered.

Whippit profile image

I've often thought after chemo, when women's hair changes colour and texture and it's still short and sometimes curly, how elegant they look for the change of style.

I didn't lose my hair entirely as I didn't have Taxol but it was very thin after Gemcitibane and Carboplatin last year. I don't think it's grown back as before. I've trailed round so many hair stylists in the last year to find the easy to care for style I used to have. It now sticks up all over the place. I've given up as i've decided it's not the stylists' fault but a change I have to adjust to and new me. I've also experimented with hair colour which I've never done before which is an interesting new venture.

I hope you have lots of fun with your new hair and you soon get used to the face in the mirror . xxx

Lizneild profile image
Lizneild in reply to Whippit

Phew! That's a relief to know it is the chemo after all! I hardly lost any while on carboplatin and gemcitobine but now a month after finishing it my hair is coming out in a birds nest every morning and my parting is half an inch wide. I have been rather horrified and wondering if i will have to get the old wig out (left over from the taxol days). I have been told that I can expect to have two hair styles at the same time when it starts to replace itself; one spikey sticking up through the old flat hair. The friend who warned me now has lovely thick hair again so here's hoping. Good luck. Liz

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to Whippit

Thanks Annie, your hair looks really nice xxx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to kazrazmataz

Oh dear I should update my pic. This was taken in the summer after my first line of chemo so it dates back to 2011. I keep taking it to the hair stylist to explain how I want my hair but nobody can get it like that again which is sad because it needed no work at all. These days I fiddle with hair products but I've got no idea really and it seems to stick up and grow in all directions.

Note to self to update profile pic! xxxx

in reply to Whippit

Hi Annie, my hair is just about coming back to normal fine, I did use a thickening shampoo which only made the matter worse, so I use whatever is on special offer in the supermarket, I have found some better than others. You do tend to find that some of the shampoos and conditioners make the texture worse. I did get a treatment at my hairdresser and that seemed to help it lose the dryness.

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

What a great idea - to get a treatment at the hairdressers. I was given a voucher just before Christmas and it includes a hair treatment. I'll give it a go. I tend to use whatever shampoo is in the bathroom but avoid combined shampoo and conditioners on the advice of my hair stylist.

I tried some hair colour Christmas Eve. Put it on, then the phone rang and I got chatting to my friend and forgot about the time. It turned out a very festive shade of brass which my family thought was hilarious. It seemed to go with the silly Christmas season quite well. I'm relieved to say it's toned down now and I'll think twice before trying a colour again!


in reply to Whippit

that happened me with the colour from the Health shop, I left it on too long so I turned out like some one from the Adams family and the colour lasted. I am now back to Loving care semi permanent which isnt enough so might try loving care permanent or castings with low amonia.

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

My hair was always a lot of different natural colours but overall it was a kind of rosy blonde. Now the individual red hairs have gone white they go mad for any red in a dye bottle and gobble it all up. I should learn a lesson and stick to pale blonde colours though it goes against the grain as it makes me feel as though I'm having a life crisis and heading for bottle blonde! xx

thesilent1 profile image

Mine came back curly too lol. Seems the norm! Ann xo

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to thesilent1

Puts a new spin on Chemo makes your hair curl, maybe they should list it as a side effect Lolxxx

TrishLey profile image

Mine grew back curly, dark and rather kinky :) Its gone again now and the regrowth is looking rather baby penguin like!

Yes it comes back quite curley but use plenty of conditioner to tame it down or if you can, go to a hairdresser who will do a special conditioning treatment. That does help. Boots coconut conditioner is okay mind you I have used it in the past. I know what you mean by looking different. I know the chemo has changed my looks down through the years as well as age. Just saying to the better half have been invited to a neighbours wedding in February and my concern this morning was how can I compete with some of the glamour ladies. I am happy in jeans and jumper and work uniform. I am worried I wont look as good as some of the others will so maybe some retail therapy is on the cards and some cop on as well. I am here and able to go if I can juggle work and Avastin. So in all I should be more thankful

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to

I admire you so much being able to juggle work as I do not think I could (took voluntary redundancy in 2010, did get another job shortly after with NHS Direct call centre but would not let me have the summer off so went AWOL in Aug 2012, sent them a text from Manchester airport and resigned when I got back, in case they tried to sack me Lol, have no regrets as had a great time in Greece even though I did love that job, no two phone calls were the same x

in reply to kazrazmataz

My gp suggested I go back for a short hours so I went from 21 hours to 12hours a week, it gets me out and stops me thinking and in my job I meet people, I am a teller in a credit union. Then sometimes people tend to ask me questions which I head off a little. So there are pluses and minuses. I am due to retire in May.

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to

I think work has probably helped you and I admire you for it. I do not think I could handle any of the jobs I've done I think I would have done a runner if the going got tough. I do miss the people though as was always a highlight of any job I've had with plenty of laughs.

EnaC profile image

I was hoping mine would grow back curly but no it is growing back just as straight as before.

I most probably will loose it again as I have to restart chemo. Not a very long break - my last chemo was on 4th September 2014.

Just waiting to see if I will receive this as part of the ToTem trial

Ena xx

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to EnaC

Good luck, remember a lot of ladies get longer remissions 2nd time xx

annielawrie profile image

my hair has grown in dark and grey,and very curly. Before chemo it was blond and shoulder length . At the minute i like it as its so easy to look after,wash and go.haha. But again it can be unruly. looking like ive stuck my finger in the electric socket. also i seem to be patted on the head alot, friends and family,the seem to like the feel of it. Baby hair my sister said. Yes i like it xx

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to annielawrie

Yes I've had a few people trying to run their fingers through my hair!

ninawithOC profile image

It looks like my previously brown hair is growing back almost white. It's still early days - it's only 10 mm long. My last chemo was early December. It's a thick fuzz on top of my head and thinner on the sides and back. If this colour keeps - I think I could go Hitchcock blonde ;)

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to ninawithOC

Sounds like its going to be gorgeous x

totty profile image

Had curly hair to start with so they told me it could be straight when it re grew, no it came back thicker stronger with more curl BUT it grows in a totally different style to before and no persuading it will get my full style back, also a bit spiked when it gets to a certain length. Was also darker but now 2yrs post chemo there's a lot of grey.That doesn't bother me but people keep stopping me asking if I'm ok as it drains the colour from my face. REALLY considering hair dye but I said I never would lol never mind.

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to totty

You could try natural hair colours that wash out first and see how you go.

totty profile image
totty in reply to kazrazmataz

Thanks will try natural hair dye never thought about that, thankyou.

Di16 profile image

I had my last dose of weekly Taxol this morning, so I'm wondering when & how my hair will grow back. The little hair I have left is grey & almost straight, & I don't like how it's looking. (Yes I do still have some hair, I've been told it's unusual not to lose it all,) I hope the new growth will be dark & curly & thicker than usual, but that could be wishful thinking. I'm also wondering whether to have my remaining hair shaved off or nor before it starts to grow.


kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to Di16

I hacked my own hair off myself when it started falling out, missed a bit here and there so looked really funny when the dark stubbles started growing through especially inter dispersed with a few dozen longer blonde strands, resembled an overgrown lavender bush in spring in shape if not in colour!

totty profile image
totty in reply to Di16

I had mine shaved and as it was over summer went bald and proud, rarely covered my head unless the sun was out . Actually got told I looked good and suited it. One lady having treatment at the same time continued to shave hers as her husband liked it and she hated doing her hair.

cancer48 profile image

All I am going to say is I look like my mother x

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to cancer48

I look like my Dad!

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