I don't write on here often but visit daily to see how everyone is doing.
My mum finished first line treatment on Dec 27th (she had her debulking ok 23rd nov) following a diagnosis of stage 3c OC/PPC in June 2018 (they can't decide which) she is on avastin until around Sept.
Anyway her first appointment with her oncologist following her op had said that the op had been successful and he wasn't expecting to find anything on the scan. She then went to see him last week and he mentioned that the lymph node in the chest is still enlarged (which apparently has been there since her first scan, that we can't even remember being mentioned) but within a normal size, there's "bits" showing which he thinks is scarring and there's a small amount of fluid in her stomach, which he said is normal following an op. Her CA125 was over 2500 at time of diagnosis and although it is dropping it's still not quite in the 0-35 range (she did have a water infection and her op wound opened and had to be packed and had just closed prior to this but I don't know if this would have an impact at all).
She isn't back to see him until 5 weeks time and I know we should have asked questions but we were both so distracted by the student sitting clicking her pen we kind of said see you in 6 weeks and left.
Sorry it's such a long winded message and my mum knows she should be thankful but she's a little worried about what it all means.
Sorry once again for the rant and I hope a few of you managed to stay awake lol
Sarah xx