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Daisy28 profile image
17 Replies

My mother has been told the rise in ca125 is due to cancer been back. This is 3rd battle but now there is a tumour on liver, im just devestated over it and to see mam go through it again. Has anyone had 3rd occurance and what was results. He is stopping the avastin its just going to be taxol and carbo.... is there other maintenances xxx

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Daisy28 profile image
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17 Replies

Unfortunately multiple recurrence is common, Sandra had 7 lines of treatment which could be classed as 6 recurrences but in reality its more likely to be classed as progression. In other words it never went away even when there was no evidence of disease in the early years. You ask about other regimens, there are several but the offer of taxol combined with carboplatin for your mother is still probably the best choice. It is still seen as the best weapon against the disease and she must have had great results from it the first time. Xx Paul

Daisy28 profile image
Daisy28 in reply to

She did have good results before so please god. Its so tough this illness trying to be strong. Xxx the fact its moved to liver as secondary worries me xx

in reply to Daisy28

Spread to the liver is extremely common, in most cases however it tends to sit on the surface without causing too many problems. It only becomes a problem if the disease becomes invasive but that goes with any organ. Sandra lived with it on her liver for several years.

Daisy28 profile image

Paul thanks for telling me that,that gives me hope, I must check if its in or on top of liver. How long had sandra the disease .

in reply to Daisy28

Diagnosed in 09 already in the lymph system and she passed Apr this year. It was invasion of the lungs causing pneumonia that ended it all. Xx

vipervictoria profile image

Some women with disease in their livers have had very good results with surgery. It might be worth asking about this. Best wishes to you both. Vxxx

Daisy28 profile image
Daisy28 in reply to vipervictoria

Thanks viper he said no surgery, not sure what to do. Should I call him again to dicuss x

in reply to Daisy28

As a general rule if the disease has spread to multiple sites they deem it pointless performing surgery on just one sight unless there is something to be gained by it. Likwise radiotherapy is rare with OC because it targets one area not multiple sites, it can be used as pallaitive treatment if required.

vipervictoria profile image

I don't know. I know surgery isn't an option when there's lots of little tumours. But I also know that oncologists favour chemo whilst sometimes a specialist liver surgeon can give a different answer. I know of several women who have had successful surgery - hopefully one of them can chime in. But much depends on your mother's health and the individual characteristics of the disease she had. Chemo can work very well. I'm sorry, I wish I could give you more help. Vx

HumbleD profile image

I had my third recurrence confirmed at the start of this year. As I had an allergic reaction to taxol I had carbo for first line. Second line recurrence was carbo/gem and towards the end of second line I had Avastin and had a remission of about eighteen months which was amazing. Avastin was stopped once they could see the cancer on a CT scan.

I was and always have been ready to have further treatment and so started third line chemo recently, with just carbo. My CA125 has started to come down from 1000 to 480 and I feel so much better between treatments, once I have recovered from nausea.

They are also looking at what maintenance treatment for when the carbo finishes and have mentioned Tamoxifen.

I think others have covered the spread to the liver so I hope that my experience of third line chemo is helpful.

Love Wendy xx

Daisy28 profile image
Daisy28 in reply to HumbleD

Thanks wendy I feel much better after hearing from you and that there are maybe other maintenances, mam just going on carbo and taxol xx how r u finding 3rd chemo xx

HumbleD profile image
HumbleD in reply to Daisy28

3rd line ok apart from nausea but having been through this twice before I know a lot more about what drugs are best for me, otherwise once that has passed I can cope and at least I have four treatments under my belt! xx

carol-b profile image

I have had 5 recurrences. I always have a period of so called "remission" when the CA 125 is in normal range and the scans are clear but I must admit that the "remission periods" are shorter and shorter. I developed metastasis to the liver on the 2nd occurrence. I just got a chemo regime of Carbo and Doxil and the 5 lesions on my liver were gone after 6 mos. I was shocked and asked the oncologist to point it out on both scans. I thought it was a miracle.

Twelve months later on routine follow up the scans demonstrated recurrence of the liver mets. The were going to just start chemo. I got multiple second opinions to no avail. I discussed surgery and the oncologist said it would not increase my life expectancy. He sent me to a liver surgeon. While in consultation with both of them as they were trying to tell me surgery would not help and I would maybe get a few months I asked them, "If I were your wife what would you do". I was 58 at the time and relatively healthy except for the bloody scans. They both stopped in their tracks!

I had a liver and diaphragm resection in 2012 and had a speedy, marvelous recovery and the liver regenerated itself in 6 months. I was placed on Carbo and Gemzar after surgery but was unable to complete the Gemzar regime since it was doing a number on my platelets. Scans and CA 125 were normal thereafter for 7 months. Again, it started to creep back.

I do not regret my decision to have that second surgery. For me, I think it has given me more time and that's what I am looking for.

The decision for surgery does weigh on your mom's age and overall health. Again, we are all very different. Much luck to you and her on this journey.


Daisy28 profile image

Carol that is great to hear you fighting it my mam will do same you are an inspiration wait until i tell her xx please god chemo kills it xx r u back on chemo or in remission. Xx

carol-b profile image

I am currently on chemo. The thing to keep in mind is that ovarian cancer is now treated as a chronic condition. It comes and goes and we always have to stay on top of it. I have been fortunate that in all the 5 times that I have been on chemo I still was able to maintain a decent quality of life. Fatigue is probably my greatest side affect. In 2009 when first diagnosed and had my first surgery was the only time I was really very ill and felt terrible. I have to point out too that every time I was told I was having a reoccurrence it was found during my routine lab work and scans. I never felt sick or had any pains. As long as your mam is feeling okay (and I hope she is) the treatment is just part of the process of surviving ovarian cancer. There are many chemo agents out there and clinical trials being done. There will be other agents available for your mam.

You and your mam try to be Fearless not Fearful. Hang in there!

God Bless,


Daisy28 profile image
Daisy28 in reply to carol-b

Thanks carol for giving me your feedback its great to hear and your words of wisdom are very true. She is in good form looks great I nearly think she is handling this vetter than me..... thats same as mam its always fou d early with no pain. When u had reocuuances was it in same areas xxx

carol-b profile image
carol-b in reply to Daisy28

Nope. My reoccurrences have been in different areas. In 2012 with my 2nd surgery they thought it was just in my liver. During surgery they found it in my diaphragm behind the liver and several small tumors throughout my lower abdomen. The scans did not show these. They removed all the obvious cancer @ that time. The times it has returned to the liver it was in different areas.

Hope this is helpful.

Best of luck

Carol B

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