Hi everyone! This is my first time posting. It has taken a while to pluck up the courage to go online but I suppose there has to be a first time for everything. I have found the Ovacare website and these communities - and all your contributions about trials and tribulations, challenges and triumphs - really useful and often comforting over the last few months. In my isolation, I have felt in contact with a community. I am hoping to attend the World Ovarian Cancer day information morning in Dublin next Friday. No doubt some of you will be there. So looking forward to making contacts.
First posting: Hi everyone! This is my first time... - OvaCare
First posting
Welcome! Hoping you meet some interesting people next week.
Hi Mac27 Thank you so much for your welcome. I am looking forward to Friday next and to keeping contact with you and others on line.
Hi oystercatcher , welcome to the site no one wants to be a member off. I found the 1st post the hardest to write but I was made very welcome and now we are all like old friends. I wont make the seminar in Dublin next week as its the day after my chemo but I am going to the Coffee Morning in Cork on Sat the 16th maybe I will see you there. It is a great morning to just relax, chat,drink tea or coffee ,eat yummy cakes and best of all meet the other ladies who are all going through the same thing .Kittie
Hi Kittie Thank you for your welcome. I am sorry that you won't be at next Friday's seminar and unfortunately I think it is unlikely that I will make the Coffee Morning in Cork but hopefully we will connect up at some stage in the future. I am looking forward to having contact with you all over time on the site and at various events. Thanks again!
Welcome to the page, yes we have trials and tribulations but we can help each other because we know what it is like ourselves. I was hoping to make Dublin next Friday but it is looking doubtful as I am in my last few weeks of work and there are communions on next weekend which of course takes precedence for the staff involved. Hopefully we will catch up another time. It is hard to make the first post isnt it. Dont feel isolated ask us anything you wish it is totally confidential. Hope you are doing okay at the moment.
Hi suzuki thanks you for your welcome. I registered with the site in January and it has taken me until now to post. I had also been looking at the site for a good while before I even registered! I am doing fine, thanks and hope you and others who write on here regularly are doing ok also. As I said in my profile, I have been having clear c/ts and low CA125 tests since the end of chemo last year and so am not facing or dealing with the challenge of chemo and other treatments that others are having to bravely contend with currently. Still it is nice to keep in contact with others, to be supported and be supportive so I look forward to keeping contact with you all over time. Thanks again
Hello on this wet & miserable Bank Hol weekend & welcome to this wonderful site. I am only sorry I didn't find it when I was first diagnosed and going through treatment, so that I could 'talk' to other women in the same boat. There are so many types of OvCa that it is frightening & bewildering & strange.
However, it is well documented that the side effects of chemo can take a while to leave and the only thing is to rest, and don't worry. Easier said than done, I know. Also, exercise does help, no matter how short or light it is.
I don't live in Dublin but envy those lucky ones who live near that magnificent harbour with so many beautiful seaside walks like Clontarf out to Howth or southside around Dalkey & Dun Laorghire(!) with its wonderful pier.
Anyway, enough rambling from me. I won't be able to attend the WOCD conference in Dublin (will be in Spain relaxing), but I know that those I have met through OvaCare are friendly and open....so you will be welcomed by all. But will of course be going to the coffee morning in Cork.
Continued good health to you and long may it last.
Hi Daisies Thank you very much for your welcome. It is very reassuring to know that we can be part of a supportive online community, despite the reason that has brought us together. It has taken me a long time to post. Just being registered to the OvaCare site and reading other people's posts has been helpful.
Yes, exercise is good and it's funny that you have mentioned all my favourite walking places especially Dun Laoghaire pier where I have been walking on three afternoons or evenings over the past two weeks and Howth where I visited on Wednesday last.
I am sorry that you won't be at the seminar next Friday but hope you enjoy the coffee morning in Cork and have a fabulous time in Spain.
Thanks again!