Hi,,I'm 67 and have been diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis since 2011,but had symptoms since a child. It's chronic inflammation of the pancreas causing calcium deposits, fibrosing of the pancreas tissue which damages the tissue &nerve networks which causes constant pain for 75% of people with CP. It's also caused pancreas Exocrine Insufficiency, the enzymes it makes to breakdown & metabolize food so I have to take pancreas enzymes every time I eat, but even then there's malabsorption so don't get all the nutrients needed. It's a progressive uncureable degenerative rare disease that's causes constant physical pain& mental due to the ignorance of the disease by almost all Drs, even GIs. But now it's caused complications, I have calcium deposits through out my body, in my arteries, kidneys & widespread inflammation. I had a cervical fusion in 2011 &was told to take high amounts of calcium &d3. Stopped the calcium when I got a kidney full of stones, but then I had toxic levels of d, so stopped taking d. Found out if you don't take d with k2 it won't stick to the bone but float around in the blood. So after finding calcium in my arteries started taking k complex. But during that my Chronic Pancreatitis progressed so I'm homebound, in pain, no energy, partly from malabsorption partly from depression. But I'm going to continue to go downhill from the CP. Now I was diagnosed with 3rd stage Osteoporosis &they wanted me to start Reclast IV fusion treatment, but I research everything medical now, I was gaslighted & misinformed when I got Chronic Pancreatitis so I never just do or take what Drs tell me. I got burned to many times. So researched Reclast IV fusion &other osteoporosis treatments & Reclast has scary & sometimes permanent side effects, all the treatments had bad side effects. & since I can eat only a very limited kind of food& avoid a lot of drugs that cause stomach & pancreas issues, all the phosphate drugs had warnings of stomach pain . I'm end stage Chronic Pancreatitis &have stones in my pancreas & kidneys, calcium deposits through out, &now,3rd stage Osteoporosis with a high chance of a leg , hip, or spine fracture, which is already degenerative &have scoliosis of the lumbar area. I told them no. I already have a low quality of life &who knows how many more years left from the CP progression, kidney functions going down. But after years of the few Drs who knew about &treat my CP telling me to hang in there, it's been over 10 years of hanging in there & I just can't deal with anything else. Is there supplements that might help, I can't exercise because I'm too sick& it causes more pain& that&eating certain foods that au naturel way to build bone, but that's not an option. Is there any new treatments for osteoporosis out there that I & my Drs don't know about? I don't have the physical or mental energy to go thru all that stuff on top of what I already have to. I was referred to Palliative care by my pancreas specialist but was turned down due to all the flags in my medical records from so many ER visits in severe pain , but since they only know how to test& treat Acute Pancreatitis which tests were normal, so they didn't know why I was in pain even though I had 2 diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis in my record. They "don't know why your in pain" along with ?? drug seeker in my file, so they see that & see CP& nope. So now they want me to get this scary treatment on top of all the all my health issues. Don't know if anyone can help me. I've been in a Chronic Pancreatitis support group on line for 4 years& it really hasn't helped me, I couldn't give encouragement to new comets because I knew what lies ahead for them . Pain, & progression of CP.