Bisphosphonate success? My update! - Osteoporosis Support

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Bisphosphonate success? My update!

Loveballet profile image
9 Replies

Greetings to all! I can never begin to thank the special few ladies on this site enough who replied to my first note back in the early summer of 2021 and encouraged me with their positive stories and shared fears when I was absolutely terrified to make the decision to start alendronate. Petpal, Bogart0416, 1965Katy, Holeinmyheart, and mamaluvs2hs I owe you more than you'll ever know.

I unexpectedly received several new replies to that same note just this week and realized that I hadn't yet made good on my promise to myself...that if I was one of the fortunate ones who did well on alendronate, I would share my story to encourage others.

So here I am to share my journey so far! I finally decided that I was never going to know how I would do with medication until I gave it a try. Fear was literally taking over my life. My daughters and two little grandsons had just come to visit and I realized that I'd do most anything that might ensure I get as many strong, healthy years as possible to be a part of their lives. The fact that they live in London and I'm in Texas means I have to be able to make long airport hikes, endure many hours on a plane, walk a LOT because they don't have a car, and navigate the never ending stairs in such an old and gorgeous city.

SO... right after the kids returned home and armed with encouragement from this site, I decided to go for it. I decided that Mondays would be my day. I wrote myself a big note and taped it to my bathroom mirror reminding me not to eat, lay down, or bend over for 30 minutes after taking, and to take the pill with a full large glass of water. As soon as I finished the water I set my phone timer for 30 minutes. It ends my wait with a fun, happy little, dance-y alarm tune to remind me of the good thing I'm doing for myself.

But before I put the pill in my mouth, being a woman who believes in the power of prayer, I prayed, something I still do every Monday. I ask God to prepare my body to receive the medication well, to bless it to the healing of my bones, and to take away all ability for the medication to bring harm. This helps set my fear aside and puts my trust in the right place.

I took my first dose , 70 mg, on Monday, August 23, 2021. I was on high alert right away just waiting for the first adverse effect to hit. One week went by, then two, then a month, then another and another. I am beyond grateful to share that, for me, the greatest thing I had to fear was fear itself. I have not had ONE single side effect in the 7 months I've been on alendronate. No stomach problems, not one joint pain, nothing. I've done everything in my power to be as compliant with the instructions as I can., particularly never missing a dose.

Although it's really too soon to expect much progress, my annual DEXA was due in February. After a couple of years of slow progression, my values had stabilized from the previous year. In fact my left hip went from -3.0 to -2.9! Not sure if that's statistically meaningful yet but I'll take it!

So it is with deepest gratitude I share this information. A good experience IS possible. If anything changes, I'll report back. I am overjoyed that fear didn't win and that my future looks bright. Hugs to y'all!


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Loveballet profile image
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9 Replies
Lynnel17 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm in the decision making phase right now. Best of luck to you!

Alisa25 profile image

Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve put off taking medication for 6 years since I was first diagnosed. I’ve been trying to go the natural route and although I feel great and was able to improve a few things through diet and exercise and continued lab work to monitor, I was still losing bone. I’ve been holding off on starting alendronate but I decided to start on Tuesday. I told my Endocrinologist that I would try it for a year. She said that was better than nothing.I’ll have lab work done in 6 months and hope my bone turnover shows improvement. It helps to hear some positive stories about these drugs. Thank you.

Loveballet profile image
Loveballet in reply to Alisa25

Good luck to you! I hope all goes as well for you as it has for me. I too put it off as long as I could out of extreme fear but my doctor monitored me closely. Catching that fine line where you don't start too soon but don't wait so long that you loose too much bone so that you have more to recover is tricky business. But in the past decade that I was able to hold off, my disease progressed fairly slowly and the protocol for alendronate has completely changed for which I'm eternally grateful! All of my older friends who were on it had been on it daily for years with many side effects. Now we take it once a week for 3-5 years and, when and if enough improvement happens, we go on a drug holiday until it's needed again. I forgot to mention before that I've also started a regular pilates class. It's fantastic for bone strengthening, posture improvement, an is a lot of fun! Keep us posted on your progress!

Alisa25 profile image
Alisa25 in reply to Loveballet

Thank you! Again, your experience really helps those of us who hear only the horror stories. I just started the alendronate , so now I’ll hope for the best. I’m sticking with all my supplements and will continue an active lifestyle for as long as I can. I’ve never tried pilates but have always heard good things about it and will certainly check it out. Thanks. Hopefully, I’ll receive positive results in the future and will update. Wishing you continued success.

Geedle profile image

Glad you are well. P l ease keep us posted. I see the endo in May and am scared. Your story helps so much!!!!!

KatVin profile image

Thank you so much for your positive post and good news about your experience with alendronate. I just started 150 mgs of Ibandronate monthly (which I believe is similar). I too struggled with taking or trying to just trying to get all my calcium with diet and no calcium supplements (based on minor kidney issues and recommended by my kidney doc) and general lifestyle changes but decided the risk of bisphosphonates was better then the risk of no meds and higher chance of fractures. I looks at my bottle each day after I received my prescription and was still conflicted. Then one day I skit decided it was the day. Same for me. No coffee in the morning for one hour after I woke was a hassle but it went quick and wasn’t so bad. I mean really, that was the least of my problems! Anyway, once I took it and drank my 8oz of water I felt so much better about my choice. And although I am still monitoring my calcium intake through diet, I am not nearly as stressed out that I may not be getting my 1200 mgs each day (400 mgs each meal). So let’s see how this goes! So thank you again! We need more posts like yours! Any comments are welcome.

Bizzy2021 profile image

Thank you so much for your post! I too have been so scared of taking any of the OP drugs. I was diagnosed a year ago and chose the “natural or holistic “ approach with supplements, diet, exercise etc. However, two weeks ago I fell and broke my hip and shoulder. It now appears that I need to rethink my strategy and try medication. I see my GP tomorrow and plan to ask about Fosamax. Thanks again for posting something positive!

yogalibrarian profile image

Thank you for sharing this. You made an excellent plan and followed through. So many people who could benefit from the medications are deterred by scary headlines. It's important to look for the science not just the anecdotes. Congratulations!

Liverpool2022 profile image

Thank you I have just taken my first Alendronate after much deliberation. I decided I would prefer to try it and if their are side effects I can always stop . It’s a tough decision , but I feel It’s right for me . Don’t want to get 3 years down the line and any more fractures. Decided to listen to my Consultant and GP who said their are loads of people on it with no side effects . Good luck everyone and do what’s right for you .


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