Is Biphosphonates (taken more than 3 years) trigger fracture of the thigh bone (femur) and osteonecrosis (bone death) of the jaw? Can my mother Sobha Ghoshal (aged 78 years) take biphosphonates like Aclasta /Stoplos One (zolendronic acid) for more than 5 years after completing Bonmax Pth (teriparatide) injection for 2 years (spanning from October 2015 to September 2017) for Osteoporosis? Which is the better option for biphosphonates treatment 1) Alendronae (Fosammax) or Zolendronic Acid (Aclasta)? Is the effects of Prolia (denosumab) leave the body quickly and generally disappear after one stops taking them? I was told that alendronate, Zolendronic acid stay in the bones after you stop taking them and will continue to work and offer protection even afer one stops taking them. Is it true?
smtkrgsl (son)