Hi everyone,
I am a 62 year old woman and 103lbs (lost a lot of weight during the pandemic) who was diagnosed with osteoperosis in 2020. About a year ago(7/26/2022) I did a dexascan with following results:
Lumbar spine (L1-L4):
BMD 0.766g/cm2
Z Score -1.9
T Score -2.6
Interval Change (%):-4
Left Femoral Neck
BMD 0.583g/cm2
Z Score -1.5
T Score -2.4
Interval Change (%): -1
I recently did another dexascan (8/16/2023) and found out my condition is deteriorating rapidly. Below are the following results of the that particular scan.
Lumbar spine (L1-L4):
BMD 0.715g/cm2
Z Score -2.3
T Score -3.0
Interval Change (%):-7
Left Femoral Neck
BMD 0.547g/cm2
Z Score -1.7
T Score -2.6
Interval Change (%): -10
I've been doing as much research as I can into different treatments, but it all seeems to be leading me to doing bone infusions. I dont have private insurance only medicaid and I live alone. Everyday I take 1 calcium tablet (600MG) and 2 Vitamin D3 (4000IUs). When I was first diagnosed the doctor put me on Alendronate I only took it for two weeks because the I felt like I could'nt breathe because it was closing my esophagus. Recently I realized I was taking it wrong (taking it right before laying down for bed) because the doctor only mentioned to me that all that was needed was to take it once a week at the same time.
Back in January of this year my endocrinologist recommended I get zoledronic acid 5 MG/100ML which I think is Reclast. Is this a safe option? I'm a bit of a nervous nancy and as I have other health issues. I'm absolutely terrified that I'm going to fracture or break a bone which would compromise my ability to work (I've been a medical biller and coder for 30 years) . If anyone has any suggestions please tell me, also please share any experiences that you have with either of the drugs I mentioned. My condition seems to be deteriorating so quickly but im so scare becasue of what i've been reading about all these different drugs. There are many good doctors out there, but sometimes I get the feeling they don't necessarily care to have your best interest at heart.
I know this is a long post, please forgive me. I just dont know what else to do...
Thanks in advanced for anything anyone has to offere in the way of advice.