I am considering reclast for my osteoporosis and would like to hear from others using the drug.
Reclast: I am considering reclast for... - Osteoporosis Support
Hi! Thanks for sharing with us. May I ask if you have had a broken bone, or are you considering Reclast as a preventive measure?
Reclast is a one of the bisphosphonate drugs used as a first-line treatment of osteoporosis. It is taken as an infusion once a year whereas some other well-known bisphosphonate drugs are taken by mouth or as monthly infusions. Have you tried any of these, or is Reclast the first medicine you have considered for osteoporosis?
Here is some information from our website:
Because this is a once-a-year drug, you can get evaluated when you go in for your annual dose.
I have taken 70 mg. alendronate orally for the last year. A recent scan showed a small worsening in T-score on my spine. My doctor would like to start reclast. The 2 years prior to alendronate, prolia shots were injected every 6 months with steady improvement in my density scores. However, after the 2nd, 3rd, and final 4th shot, pain in my lower legs became so severe I had to discontinue this therapy. I am concerned about another injection therapy that stays in my body a year.

It's very important to replace Prolia with something after you stop taking it. There is a risk of rapid severe loss of bone mass and fractures -- "rebound osteoporosis," some people call it. Has your doctor mentioned this? They might just want to give you a one-time treatment to give you a soft landing off the Prolia. Something to keep in mind.
I was told years ago that my doctor was going to put me on Reclast. They said I would get way worse before I get better. That was the last time I saw that doctor. I am on calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium. I go to my family doctor now for my bone scan and I have improved. One of my readings I beleive femur neck?? is out of osteoporosis. I will never take a medication for this. I have fallen...no broken bones,I try to be careful.. One little additional story. My mother broke her ankle. Her surgeon said it was the worse case of osteoporosis he had ever seen and she would have to follow his instructions or he would not see her any more......He said take calcium and vitamin D (5000mg) That was it...Something to think about. By the way for exercise, I walk and jump on a mini trampoline and I have started wearing a weighted vest.
Hi Cubbiefan, I'm glad to hear about an improvement after your last scan. I have a T-score of -2.9 in my AP Spine L1-4 and osteopenia in Femoral neck and hip. I tried Alendronate then Risedronate but stopped after 6 weeks of each due to side effects and GP told me to keep taking Calcuim and Vit D. Then I read too much Calcuim can have it's own side effects so decided to lower the dose. Do you mind telling me how much of those daily and also how much Vit K and magnesium you take please as I've also read they are good at helping absorb the calcium?
I hope you continue to improve 😊
I order my vitamins from different online vitamin stores..... I take Calcium Citrate +vitamin D -- I get that from my local vitamin store (The Vitamin Shop) I take Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium. I google the name and see which online store sells it cheaper. I usually shop at iHerb or Vitacost. I get my vitamin K from Vitacost It is Ultra Vitamin K . My vitamin D is just from the store (at the time I have Nature's Bounty) Sometimes if I find( maybe a better quality) on sale online - I will then get it there. That is 5000IU.. I joined a Facebook community called Osteoporosis Natural Remedies. I got a lot of my information there as to these vitamins that I take. I wish you much luck in improving your bone strength.