I'm new here and new to severe osteoporosis, no fractures, on Fosamax but endocrinologist suggests Forteo. 65 years old, female, feel great, handling Fosamax well. I'm reluctant to change due to costs, side effects, etc. Any experiences with Forteo or Tymlos? Thanks!
Does anyone have an experience with F... - Osteoporosis Support
Does anyone have an experience with Forteo?

Hello, Poetry2019! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Below is some information on Forteo from our website article on "FDA Approved Treatments." americanbonehealth.org/fda-... Forteo is recommended for patients with severe osteoporosis and high risk of fracture.
Have you broken a bone recently? What is your T-score? I recommend you use our Fracture Risk Calculator to assess your individual profile based on a variety of factors: americanbonehealth.org/calc....
And here is more information on the recent treatment guidelines from the Endocrine Society. You should get a follow-up bone density test and fracture risk assessment after 3-5 years on Fosamax. americanbonehealth.org/bone...
Best wishes for good health!
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) is an anabolic treatment for osteoporosis that stimulates new bone growth and reduces fracture risk. PTH is generally reserved for individuals with severe osteoporosis. Studies have demonstrated significant increases in bone mineral density and large decreases in fractures. PTH is a daily injection (like insulin) that is prescribed for 12-24 months. Forteo is approved for men and postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high risk for fractures.
Brand name is Forteo®.
Side effects may include dizziness and leg cramps.
Thank you for your reply. I'm just careful in selecting medication, so my hesitation. No broken bones, thankfully and I keep pretty limber. On Fosamax for 6 months after an alarming DEXA in November. My lumbar t score was the worst: -3.9. The femoral neck t is -2.1. The Fracture Risk Calculator includes femoral but not lumbar yet the risk is high, 26%. I get shades of different interpretations of these scores (osteopenia in hip, -2.1 according to one doctor, osteoporosis in hip, according to another). My doc will check secondary causes, but seems to think early phenobarb for migraines as a youth, genetic propensity and estrogen loss are the multifactor causes . Thanks so much for the guidelines and any other source you could think of. Keep safe!
I have read that after your maximum allowed two years on teriparatide you should go on another med in order to maintain the good results. It's not like denosumab (Prolia) where discontinuation can cause serious rebound osteoporosis, but apparently the gains with teriparatide (Forteo) are not permanent. If I were you I'd stay away from Tymlos as it is very new and all the worms haven't crawled out of the woodwork yet. Some of the new OP drugs are seriously experimental and I think it is appalling that mostly elderly women are the guinea pigs for these expensive treatments.
I suppose the one advantage of taking Forteo for a couple of years is you get a two year bisphosphonate holiday, but likely you'll have to take it again afterwards anyway to maintain the improved density. Bisphosphonates shouldn't be taken for more than two or three years as the risk of brittle bones and spontaneous fracture increases after that.
Have a read of my story in case you can get any tips from it:
All the best. Do what's right for you, what you are comfortable with. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
I had adverse reactions to fosamax so I stopped it a few months ago and going with natural products as my system is sensitive. Good luck,
I was just prescribed Fosamax and took it for 3 weeks. Decided against it, going to try more natural method. Worried I’m doing the right thing!
Hi! I completed the two years of the daily Forteo injections with tremendous success and no side effects. I was in m y late 60s at the time. I am now completing my third annual Reclast infusion as the maintenance for my bone density tremendous improvement from the the Forteo., and my doctor and I am now discussing which bone density maintenance is appropriate after the third annual Reclast infusion, which was very successsful and with no side effects. I wish you well in which ever course of treatment you decide!