Anyone had this on their endoscopy report? I was told I had mild gastitis,I have a small hiatus hernia although they didn't mention that, said that esophagus seemed ok and no inflammation,could the hernia cause an irregular z line?
Irregular z line: Anyone had this on... - Acid Reflux Support
Irregular z line

I have exact findings. It's not uncommon
I’ve just had an endoscopy, with the same findings. I previously had thought I had hatius hernia, but I’ve just read the report which has said an irregular z line. The doctors told me that there’s nothing to worry about, but I’m now concerned about the correlation to Barrett’s
I was told some years ago that I had a small hiatus hernia ,it has given me problems very rarely , my recent endoscopy didn't say about my hernia, I can't believe it righted itself, I think possibly a sliding one might not show always when tested. I have read different things about irregular z lines,one being that gets could cause the irregularities, also Barrets mentioned too, although on recent endoscopy said no barrets present .
yes I believe that can happen with a sliding, I’m feeling really worried about the irregular z line. The first thing that came up was Barrett’s! Trying to reassure myself that the rest of the scope was normal and the doctor told me that the line was simply a visual representation of some reflux, did you find out the root cause for yours?
I was only told that I had mild gastitis ,which I had some years before but I didn't get any stomach discomfort just mainly throat symptoms,clearing etc
I have most of the symptoms, mucus, throat clearing, acid reflux, belching / burping. Hopefully my endoscopy biopsies will show the root cause. I’m also hopeful that it’s hyplori ! In the meantime I’m learning to manage it with my diet but I miss my life before this all happened
Yes it is awful isn't it ,I was tested for h pylori but was negative, yes it is frustrating not knowing the root cause , what medication are you on? I'm on Omeprazole twice a day, trying to reduce dose. I have seen different doctors which is unsettling as I would like to see the same one . I don't want to be on medication all the time either.
I’ve managed to come off the PPI’s, currently I’m taking digestive enzymes and probiotics and the odd gaviscon if it’s really bad. I’ve read some interesting books on the topic, ‘how I cured my silent reflux’ and ‘the acid reflux diet’ have helped me understand the triggers and how to manage my diet.