Disappointed that after 8 years or more of coughing and mostly controlling it with Lansoprazole and Gaviscon Advance my reflux has started disturbing my sleep. Waking 5am with dry mouth, headache, pounding heart. Doing all the usual things raised bed head, not eating late…..I wonder if I have developed a hiatus hernia with all the coughing. Trying four days of bland food only because sugar seems to make symptoms worse.
Night time reflux : Disappointed that... - Acid Reflux Support
Night time reflux

get checked out for hiatus hernia. I havethat and same symptoms but changed diet so dont' take anything. But Glandosane throat spray to protect throat.
Thank you and good news that you have improved your symptoms! After three days of bland food I had the best night’s sleep in ages. I also found my wedge pillow as although lying on my left and bed head raised I felt pressure on my chest. I will continue carefully monitoring my food because although I have a healthy diet I also have a sweet tooth but don’t put on weight!
Ha. I never gave up chilli! But I did an allergy/intolerance test, and gave up gluten and I find some E numbers a problem like in processed tomatoes or juices. And chips! but don't have them very often. Everyone is different of course, just finding the things that work for each one of us.
Spoke to GP who suggested a month of back on Lansoprazole daily. I don’t want that as I already have osteoporosis. However must follow his plan in order to get a Gastroscopy. I too mostly avoid gluten and also dairy. Thank you and good wishes.
If you already have osteoporosis then I would not take the tablets as they will make it worse and your Dr should not be forcing you to take them. They push these tablets on you as the Pharma companies demand they prescribe them as its big money to them. However if its the only way to get the Gastroscopy then just take them every other day and stop once you have been for the test. You need to check if you have low stomach acid as that can be the cause of Acid Reflux (Dr's neglect to tell you this) and Lansoprazole lowers the acid even more which makes the reflux worse and of course that is what they want for us to be on the tablets forever as its more money for them. You can get test on Amazon, I got the sticks that you put in your urine or you could ask the Dr to do a test for you although I have heard some Dr's refuse to do it (I wonder why?) I stopped the Lansoprazole as it was really making me ill. I found out my stomach acid is low so now I take Betaine HCL with Pepsin which increases the acid, I have only been on them 2 days so still early to say if they help. I do not eat after 6pm but find I do get acid reflux at bedtime but its usually because I am starving as I only eat small meals so by the time bedtime comes round I am hungry which always sets off my acid reflux so I end up taking Gaviscon which I hate taking as that is also not good for you long term but I am hoping these HCL tablets will start to work soon. I would not eat a bland diet as that is not enjoyable. There are lots of tasty food you can have, its just a case of finding out what sets off the reflux and what doesn't.
I don’t like to think ill of our GP’s but they still tend to assume you want meds or it’s easier for them to prescribe than persuade people into healthier lifestyles.Thanks for the reminder about ph test sticks. I can’t see it’s wise to suppress stomach acid entirely when the digestive system needs it.
Have you tried a small supper to give your stomach something to do during the night?
I don't like to think bad of the Dr's either especially as I worked for the NHS for many years and was a big supporter of the NHS but sadly things have changed and now its all about money and not patient care.I have had a few bad experiences with my Dr's just lately so I have no faith in them anymore. You should read Dr Vernon Coleman books about the heathcare system and about the medication they give out. He was a GP himself for many years. I did try a small supper last night about 8.30pm and it did help and no reflux!
Hi. I have minimal symptoms apart from nighttime cough which is controlled by Lansoprazole 30mg one a day.My doctor says it’s harmful to take Lansoprazole long term- have you been on it for 8yrs?