Good moening all. I'm not a regular poster but am hoping someone will relate to my situation and perhaps offer some helpful suggestions.
I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia nearly 30 yrs ago. I was put onto Omeprazole first, which didn't suit me, then changed to Lansoprazole which I've taken ever since.
I have bronchiectasis which my resp consultant believes (as I do) was caused by silent reflux. He has referred to my hernia as 'incarcerated' and 'large'. The gastroenterologist I saw said that it is 2.5 cm and so is 'small'.
18m ago I was referred to ENT as I kept losing my voice. Reflux damage was discovered and I was told to take Gaviscon Advance after meals and before bed.
This plays havoc with the timing of my other numerou meds as some can't be taken together, others can't be taken with food, others can't be taken within 2hrs of taking the Gaviscon.
My GP has tried to help with this but I am finding it impossible to take the gaviscon as prescribed. I usually only manage twice a day.
I have done all the other stuff - raised the head of the bed, no food or drink after 9.00pm, limited spicy or fatty foods etc.
Following another lost voice episode I have been referred to a gastroenterologist again.
This issue has been ruling my life for nearly 30 years and I'm now severely p'd off with it.
I currently take 30mg Lansoprazole twice a day and famotidine before bed. The GP said I'm on the highest dose of meds that she can prescribe.
Has anyone else had an op for such a small hernia? If so, was it successful? Which op did you have?
Is there anything I can be asking the gastroenterologist for?
Any advice will be gratefully received.
Xx Moy