Hi all, Sorry for the long post I really need some help and support as my GP isnt really moving as quickly as I need. I'd love the hive minds thoughts on this as i am DESPERATE. I've suffered on and on with indigestion my whole life. Around early 2020, I ended up on Lansoprazol 20mg per day. In March 2020 I developed some bad breathing issues, initially along with alot of other people, Dr's thought it was respiratory and I was diagnosed with asthma and put on an Inhaler which did very little to help. At this point I was also on 40mg of lansoprazol. For 10 months, I struggled with this awful symptom of gasping for breathing pretty much 247 and it was the worst time in my life as I just thought I'm going to stop breathing. It was always there but got worse and came over me in waves a few hours after I ate (by this point I'd cur back on pretty much everything as there was nothing I could find that provided relief). I felt like I throat was closing up, the literal worst feeling ever! I saw a respiratory, cardiac, ENT and GI consultant. I was diagnosed with a small island of Barretts Oesophagus, a lax LES with significant reflux. I had an ENT check down my throat and they said it was unremarkable. I was taking PPIs through all these procedures. I was then referred for PHs studies which I was sat in massive wait list on the NHS and one day it all just went away, so because it did, I dropped out of the queue. I then saw an ENT who told me I had LPR and to do the usual with gavscon, low acid and ppis etc but because I wasn't suffering then, I didn't really oush the matter.
It was hands down the worst time of my life, I was on inhalers, montelukast and 40mg of lansoprazol and nothing touched the air hunger at all. It feels like my throat is closing up! After 8 months, it pretty much went away. Skip to 2 weeks ago and it's come back again with a vengeance. I was on 40mg of omeprazole as when I got pregnant with my daughter, my ppi was switched. My GP has just moved me to 80mg of oseomeprazole but I cannot do another 10 months not breathing! You name it, I've tried it, breathing exercises, eating with my head below my LES in morning to stregthen LES, the usual gastric protocols, sleeping raised up on left and I don't eat after 7pm, using Gaviscon Advance after meals and eating small meals, the acid watcher diet but any food seems sets it off, even my thyroid medication. Even walking is a challenge. I even switched to alklaine water to try and get rid of pepsin but thats not worked either. Digestive enzymes, ginger shots, tumeric tea. The only slight relief I ever get is if I suck ice cubes which makes my throat feel clear again but the minute I stop sucking ice cubes, it comes back. Same with if I burp, that gives me a second of relief too. I literally feel like I am suffocating all the time. I've bought some bentonite to see of that helps but I'm worried it will make me poorly and no idea what to do with it! It's better in the morning, I can have a few good breaths when I wake up but then the minute I move, it's off again. It keeps me awake at night as I feel like I'm drowning. I also wake up with a really stuffy nose and post nasal drip and do regular nasal irrigation during the day. I cannot do this for much longer as I have a toddler to look after and a job. I can't even say my anxiety is through the roof because of it, as I know it's not my lungs and I AM breathing. I am UK based so have limited options in terms of seeing a functional doctor and the NHS won't test for allergies and I'm not sure how reliable the private UK based allergy companies are as the NHS say they're not reliable. My GP won't refer me back to GI and they're pretty useless anyway. Please, please, please help. I am SO desperate.
Yours Desperately trying to breath and get on with life.