I wrote on the forum a couple of days ago, and some of you were kind enough to reply.
I saw an ENT privately today, and he listened to me (a good thing) and wasn't put out when I said I thought it might be LPR. Anyway, he looked at my ears, cleaned them out, and put the camera down my nose. How uncomfortable is that? And worse after because my throat is swollen, including my vocal chords, and I thought I was going to choke. I have all the symptoms. He also would like me to take the Lansoprazole everyday for a month. And use Gaviscon advance. I know lots of you don't like Lansoprazole but I thought I'd give it a go for now. I can't stop coughing, even drinking water or lukewarm chamomile tea. He actually scared me a bit because he said if my throat swelling got worse I should get to the hospital fast! 😬 And that I should see an NHS ENT. But how long will that take? I've ordered a food delivery, trying to include as many low acid foods as possible. Thing is, Dr Koufman, Jonathan Aviv and Molly Pelletier say slightly different things. If any of you have or are doing the healing diet, who did you go for? Any ideas and advice welcome.
Weirdly, last week just before this nasty flare up, I went out for dinner and had all the wrongs things, including wine, tomatoes and chocolate. Thanks x