I have had symptoms related to reflux for 3 years, although it doesn’t fully add up. I get severe indigestion constantly, heartburn and abdominal cramping. Sometimes i’ll wake up in the night with my entire abdomen burning and I vomit up bright yellow acid. Occasionally my throat burns too. I also change between diarrhoea and constipation, with mucus in my stool. I had been on omeprazole 20mg once a day and it seemed to help me, occasionally i needed to up the dose when i had exams because i get very anxious. All of a sudden recently the omeprazole seemed to stop working. I tried up the dose and that didn’t help either. I switched to pantoprazole, then lanzoprazole, and it didn’t help either. I have now been off me medication for several days and i feel the same as i was on it, just more nausea and bloating, and really constipated all of a sudden? My indigestion and heartburn seems to also be constant still, and i’ve been sleeping elevated. I had a gastroscopy about a year ago and the doctor said everything was fine, but now i’m worried there’s scarring or damage. I’m getting a colonoscopy soon and 24 hour pH monitoring with a probe to see if i have acid reflux. I just don’t feel like it’s all down to stress like some people are trying to tell me, because this isn’t normal for someone my age, i’m only 17 years old (i am slim, i don’t smoke). I was wondering if anyone is dealing with something similar to me? i’m desperate for anything that will help
Help please: I have had symptoms... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Help please

Oh I feel for you!!
Sorry can’t help but keep asking questions and don’t be fobbed off
And this site has a LOT of knowledge people who can probably give you a better insight than me
My best wishes to you let us know how things go x
It must be awful for you. There is a book called The Acid Watchers Diet which I know has helped a lot of people and may be worth a read. I hope they find out what is wrong with you soon. Good luck xx
I have had an Ivo Lewis oesophagectomy and chemotherapy (18 months ago) and afterwards was still suffering reflux and bouts of constipation and diarrhoea. The dietician in my oncology team suggested I keep a 100% event time log of everything I ate or drank and any consequences ( dumping, reflux, nausea etc etc). This allowed her to see if I had been eating anything that even in small quantities might have been causing a reaction. I had developed some intolerances.
Might be worth trying. Good luck
Morning sorry to hear that I’ve had the monitoring a couple of times that will get to the bottom of it I don’t eat as it causes all the problems I have something called a spastic Jackhammer, which means I’m sick when I eat or I can choke when I’m eating or I have a chance of being sick when I’m asleep I have acid continuously I’m on 80 mg of omperzole of a day so if there anything wrong with the pressure they will sort it last year I had 8 Botox injections in the muscle at the bottom of the oesophagus to help as the muscle goes into spasm and is where the problem is I get pain like I’m having an heart attack
Which they call non-cardiac pain
I hope this helps bit
Good luck
Stephen 🤓
A lot of yr symptoms sound like mine love, I've also had the oh it's stress!! Off people but your no your own body and if you feel it's not right then it's not right, if your not happy and feel it's getting worse love to back to the docs and ask for a second opinion you may need another endoscopy, it's an awful thing to suffer as we are and really interferes with yr every day life, I hope you too get some answers too, take care xx