Fluoxetine dosages: So I'm currently on 40mg of... - OCD Support

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Fluoxetine dosages

Leannek profile image
11 Replies

So I'm currently on 40mg of fluoxetine not showing any signs that its gonna work yet im also taking 25mg quitiepine twice daily and diazapam when needed.

My question is what meds people are taking together and dosages ?

Just trying to see if there's anything else that I can do to improve my condition OCD as I'm now starting to get depressed with the amount of time thats passing with no improvement 😪

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11 Replies
Zoe10 profile image

Hi there iam on 80mg fluoxetine and see a theropist every week it took about 4 months for meds to kick in I ave loads of types of ocd n most r getting better but 1 is getting worse the meds ain't going to fix it on its own n ocd dnt go away u just learn to live with it n learn how to take control of it my depression as got better n anxiety n other ocds but 1 type but seeing a therapist really helps the most.

Leannek profile image
Leannek in reply to Zoe10

I know they take time to work i had been stable on venlefaxine for about 15 years then they just stopped working . I'm just getting impatient coz I'm not seeing any improvement . Feel like this is gonna be now forever ive got no fight in me I keep giving in which I know I shouldn't but anything for a bit of relief .hiw come theres one of your odds that won't be helped with meds ? Just curious x

Zoe10 profile image
Zoe10 in reply to Leannek

Mine was same n I was always tired n they stopped working theses 1s r best ones n I feel more normal like iam not in a dark hole. Meds alone dnt just work it helps but theropy helps more than anything I find n bcos I ave loads of different types of ocd my worse 1 is contamination ocd I ave learnt to cope with it its helped me understand my ocds better too

Leannek profile image
Leannek in reply to Zoe10

Yh mine is contamination ocd also and it just makes me feel so down I know I will beat this again its just such a slow process x

mmmmww profile image
mmmmww in reply to Leannek

Mine is contamination OCD too. It was really bad before meds and therapy. I held off taking meds for over a year, as I was scared to take them. I finally decided to go for it at the beginning of this year and they have helped me.I am currently on 20mg fluoxetine daily. They did take about 8 weeks to kick in fully.

I have also discovered that my OCD is worse during my period. Plus vitamins seem to be helping too. If you are low or deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, this will lower your mood too.

I found I was low on vitamin D (as most people in the UK are, due to our lack of sunshine), as well as boarder line low on some others. So I started taking a multivitamin daily, along with my fluoxetine, and it seems to be helping. I feel a little happier/perkier and braver, which means I have been able to tackle a number of exposures/CBT. Such as yesterday I managed to not only use the vacuum cleaner for the first time in over 2 years, but I used it to clean a "contaminated zone" in my bedroom!

So I think vitamins and minerals may help lift you up a bit. Maybe even get some blood tests done to check. If you are in the UK just ask your GP, to get tested via NHS. Or you can pay for a private one.

Another thing I found that helps is distraction. If you find yourself in an anxiety provoking situation or you feel your OCD riding, distract yourself. Go put on your fave music, sing, dance about, read a book, play a game, go for a walk. Anything to get your mind away from the situation. (I had music blasting while I vacuumed yesterday).

Leannek profile image
Leannek in reply to mmmmww

I agree its worse when your on a period .I might give the multivitamin a go as my diets not great .how long have you been on fluoxetine now then ? Are you still managing on 20mg ? I'm on 40 mg and it just seems to be taking forever to kick in x

mmmmww profile image
mmmmww in reply to Leannek

I started the fluoxetine at the beginning of this year, in January, so been taking it about 5.5 months now and yes, still only doing 20mg daily.It was recommended by my health visitor that I increased to 30mg or 40mg, as when I last spoke to her I was still struggling with some of the larger exposures (such as the "zone" in my bedroom). But having researched and read up on vitamins and minerals, I wanted to give that route a try first. So started taking multi vitamins about 3 weeks ago and have certainly noticed a difference.

Leannek profile image
Leannek in reply to mmmmww

Thanks for the advice gonna give a multi vitamin a go .and see when the y want me to go up to 60mg as they recon thats the dose that is effective with the ocd x well done for how far you have come xx

mmmmww profile image
mmmmww in reply to Leannek

No probs, hope it helps, good luck with it. And thank you ☺️

Sallyskins profile image

I take 300 mg of sertraline daily, boosted by 5 mg of aripiprazole, which is actually an antipsychotic, but in low doses boosts the effects of SSRI antidepressants.

I notice that you take quietapine, which is also an antipsychotic used to boost and SSRI.

It's important to stress that meds on their own aren't enough. They damp down the OCD, but they don't get rid of it altogether. CBT or cognitive behaviour therapy is also needed, and the meds make it easier to do.

Meds are really helpful for many people, but don't work well for some. And something that works for someone else might not work for you.

Get going with the CBT, if you haven't started it already. Get a self help book or two, if you're still waiting for CBT. It's painful to do, but it does help. Different meds could help, but tackling the OCD with the CBT is vital.

MyIto profile image

Hi, I've been taking Cymbalta for a year. It has stopped the repetitive words and thoughts and I'm less obsessive about pretty much everything. The only side effect has been drowsiness which I combat with copious amounts of strong coffee. It has greatly improved my life.

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