Thinking is a sequence of thoughts, OCD interferes on this sequence so it has a big impact on the result, so it looks like I am an idiot or a weirdo. My kind of hell...
OCD interferes severely on my thinking - OCD Support
OCD Support
OCD interferes severely on my thinking
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Of course it would. Its OCD main manifestation, the intrusive way it affect what we are doing and thinking. And it fees from our tendency to fught it as we gio along. Try not to react to the OCD thinking right away - wait a little while - time is relative anyway.
Are you familiar with CBT or ACT? combined with antianxiety treament medication and an anti depressing medication , it can be brought under control. ON thinking, try to accept what comes to mind and let go - the more successful at doing this, the more strength you will feel for doing it the next time and gradually you will have more control and less unwanted thoughts.
Try to diversify and apply yourself to something different or new - it will widen your mind and the capacity to feel more free from OCD thinking.
Hope some of this helps you.
Well the thing is that I didn't express it well, I don't look like idiot but become one. When you can't concentrate on anything you hear or read then you become actually an idiot. And it isn't only the anxiety (which most of times co-exists with OCD) but the inner-voice of OCD which interferes and affects you...