Does anyone else worry they might get the corona virus? The thing is I am not that worried about getting it myself I am worried about other people (especially my parents) who might get it from me.
OCD makes me worry about Coronavirus - OCD Support
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OCD makes me worry about Coronavirus
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I stopped reading the news as it can be scary for our brains to read and can makes us more anxious. I am flying to South Africa in two weeks time lol I am wondering how I am going to cope on a long haul flight lol
I wouldn't let it bother you, I think it you worry too much you may attract what you don't want
well, in England normal flu kills 600 people x year, according to the NHS statistics. I wouldnt worry unnecessarily thou you may want to take precations and avoid bodily contact like shaking hands with strangers and so forth.
Face masks have a realtive impact but steering clear of people coughing and sneezing helps a lot.
I dont think there is a need for worrying beyond a certain point, else it becomes a fixation that is hard to get rid of.
Take precautions and you all should be safe. The Gov is doing all it can, with quarantines etc of the affected people.
hope this helps
Omg! This is how I used to be with hiv contamination! I was only worried that if I got the virus I would spread it somehow to my loved ones...not so afraid of myself being sick.
Honestly...the other day I had an OCD episode with this worry because I went to make some soup then half way through realized my broccoli was from china😵. Check it out if you are definitely not alone!
Yes omg!! I hve the same problem. Im worried my mum will get it
Thank you so much for all your responses. The thing is I live in Iran where the situation is pretty bad, all my university classes have been canceled, all movie theater, gyms... are closed. We are advised to stay at home.
I have a therapy cession tomorrow but and I can only go there with the subway. I really don’t know what to do
Make sure you bring anti bacterial handgel in your bag. Whenever you touch anywhere outside, use it before touching your phone or your face. If you dont have anti bac gel, then just wash your hands before touching your face. If you wear a hijab, cover your mouth with your hijab when your out to protect the particles from reaching your mouth or nose. When you get home, make sure you anti bacterial anything thats been in contact outside so your phone, your bag etc. If you’re muslim, theres a duah you should read before you leave the house. PM me if you want it.
well, I reckon you need to get up to date with the Gov statistics and news ( not only our Gov) about corona virus. I thin k there is a lot on the social media that maybe there shouldbnt be. I reasd that the UK had 23 cases in all as of yesterday.
Thats not too bad. Flu in the Uk has many more cases and around 600 people die every year because of it according to the NHS.
So dont over worry. Try to protect yourself - stay away from crowded places where some people will have symptoms of flu and so forth.
And try to reasd what cocona virus can bring - symptoms and so forth. Be informed, in other words. NO need to worry without reason.
Be well in the meantime
I am normally cool about these thing, meaning I dont get worried at all, but today I had an attack of high anxiety, which fortunately disappeared with relaxation/sleep for more than 30 minutes.
Afterwards I went to a supermarket wearing gloves but no mask - only because my wife was shopping and I felt I had to give support. So , get anxious for giving support or feeling guilty for waiting in the car ? haha. . It was ok, I tried to avoid getting too close to people and none of the cashiers were wearing masks, so thats it. We are in a 'no cases' zone, mind you.
Dont get stuck on corona virus and read all the bad news, I did that - mind you I live in Italy and I suppose here is a bit worse than in the UK.
Ocd will grab any chance to create anxiety for you and for itself. So relax, think of something else, and if you dont get it, you parents wont. And the rate of casualties is half that of people recovering with current medication. I said in an other post that UK has a 600 people casualty rate just for flu in winter - NHS stats - so relax.
be well
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