Hi I think I may have harm ocd. I have really bad thoughts about my daughter about harming her and my anxiety is so bad please some one tell me am not alone and it will get better it’s come to the point I think I’m I going to go crazy and mad a was reading a story that now I can’t get out my head of a mother who set her 4 year old daughter on fire now I’m thinking what if this happens to me what if I end up so bad I end up doing the thoughts but I have to just keep telling my self it’s just thoughts & no body acts on there thoughts thank you for reading
Harm ocd: Hi I think I may have harm ocd. I have... - OCD Support
OCD Support
Harm ocd

Hi, are you in the UK? I would book a appointment with your doc. I know it's a really scary to tell them bout your thoughts but if you explain you think it's OCD they might be able to give you some meds for the anxiety and arrange CBT which try helps!
Hi there, just to let you know your not alone, ocd targets your fears, it’s a lying bully, I believe cbt could help you massively like it did with me, I had all sorts of intrusive thoughts regarding anything and everything and now thanks to medication and cbt I am 98% better than I was, I hope it gets better for you soon x
Hi thank you for reply I just try to keep telling my self it’s just a thought and that no one in history with ocd has acted out there thoughts well a haven’t seen anyone that has I just worry & think what if! What if I act out a feel like the worst mother in the world & I I’m scared to tell doctor or family or friends in case they don’t understand and take my daughter away from me xx
The more you give your thoughts attention the more they will be there and the more they will come back, I have been in your shoes it’s like your telling my story too, definitely ask to be referred over to get cbt as it teaches you a lot x
Thank you so much shelly24 I feel a bit better now knowing am not the only one I will definitely get the help I need when I see my doctor it’s just so hard & very upsetting to even have something like that in your head xx
No worries, sorry for late reply and I know it is as they not very nice to experience but with the right help and support you will get there xx
Hi shelley24 I went to see my doctor & mental health doctor as well they told me it isn’t harm ocd but a very hi form of anxiety because ano al not do it and av got my self worried over nothing they both also said if they thought I was a bad person a a wouldn’t have my child & it the worry the what ifs that mad me bad with the intrusive thoughts thank you so much for your help xx
I know how you feel! The thought of having your kids taken away from you is almost as distressing as the thought of harming them. It's like a vicious circle. I think there is some form of ice breaker sheet that you can give to your doctor to help them understand and to know you are not a threat. A few people in the CBT group I'm currently attending recommend citraline for OCD symptoms.
This is quite a common form of OCD, and you aren't alone with it. There are other people who post here who have similar problems, and it might be worth going onto older posts so you don't feel so alone.
Most people have weird and occasionally unpleasant random thoughts, but it only if you have OCD that you attach any meaning to them. It's the OCD that tries to tell you that you might harm someone, when you really wouldn't.
The mother who harmed her four year old may be mad or bad, but that is not you. I don't know the case, but I'm sure that it wasn't OCD that told her to do it.
Having OCD means that you will do almost anything not to harm someone, particularly a child, and particularly your own child. Children, including your daughter, are safe with you.
I'm afraid that OCD gets to you by using what is most precious to you, in your case your daughter.
Do get a referral to a Community Mental Health Team from your doctor. There may be a waiting list but meanwhile there are some excellent self help books for OCD. The ones I usually suggest are Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and The OCD Workbook. They have case studies that include ones like yours, so you will know that you are not mad, you are not bad, and you are not a danger to your daughter.