Hi guys,
Hope everyone is doing good! I’ve been making a lot of progress with my OCD lately but these past few days I feel like I’m in a funk. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten too cocky with my OCD and so I really didn’t do much, or any, ERP this week. I’m not necessarily having my usual harm thoughts, it’s just that my mind is constantly running and won’t shut off. I have random thoughts all day, some intrusive and some not, and it feels like my brain is going to short circuit at any minute. I also feel super aware of my surroundings and body - and not in a good way. I don’t know if any of you have ever dealt with existential themes before (I have) but it feels very similar to that. I’m just having worries about hallucinating and what’s real or if I’m having some sort of out of body experience. I know it’s my OCD but I’m kind of bummed that I’m in this place right now when I was doing so well. Anyways, I’m seeing my therapist tomorrow for our weekly session and so I’ll get some guidance then but I just wanted to share an update with everybody. I was able to do some yoga tonight as well as my knife exposure with my mom so that was good. I guess this is just another reminder that we can be uncomfortable and tolerate those feelings. At least tomorrow is hump day!