I am facing a full spinal fusion mainly due to double Scoliosis with Cobb angles of 38.4 degrees. I had a C2 through T4 fusion in Dec. 2014. Due to the Scoliosis, I am having significantly more general pain, especially in my neck and Sciatica in my right leg hip joint ("electric shocks"). Then radiated down the front of leg while the hip pain causes the leg to buckle and my Lumbar pain is also incapacitating and I have to get off my feet. My Kyphosis is worsening. Hard to look ahead, mostly down is most comfortable.
So the question becomes: What to do? I take 4mg of Buprenorphine as well 2-3 100mg of Lyrica daily and resort to 500mg Naproxen and 50mg of Flexeril on occassion. I also suffer from serious Emphysima-like COPD that came upon me 22 years ago due to being inundated with Fireworks smoke for hours. It triggered an autoimmune Intractable Asthma condition. I was never a smoker. According to my Neurosurgeon I am 20lbs underweight before I can have surgery.
I would like to hear from others who may have undergone a full C2-L5 fusion, or close to it. I have read a bit about people who had double scoliosis that have had either the upper spine or the lumbar fusion only. This small study found that the group that had the group that had the lumbar fusion only seemed to experience less pain. The other group said that they still suffer from significant lumbar pain. Interesting!
So I hope to get some real-life experience from anyone who may have been touched by any of the things that I have mentioned . ANYTHING! Advice, experiences, direct me to case studies, Anything.
I thank you all sincerely and I wish you all good fortune in your own journeys. I also hope that any information I gather will someday help others.
Thanks, Chris