I went to bed yesterday evening as I was exhausted at 9, with all that entertaining and on N Y eve it was 1.20 before I finally got to bed, so N Y day I was extremely tired and had to leave my guest.
I felt out of sorts and I began to experience pain in my wrists/hand especially right hand, right ankle and eventually my knee. I took 2 cocodomols and I eventually fell asleep thinking I was at the start of a flare.
Woke up this morning no pain as such but I had morning stiffness more intense that I normally have it, hands are so friggin hot, it made my husband jump when I touched him to confirm my hands are hot and swelling in them. i cannot make a fist without feeling discomfort. It took over 4 hrs before I could get out of bed as the feeling of unwell and flu like symptoms subsided enough as I had to straighten up the house and take down chrimbo decs etc., and I did 2 loads of washing - mainly the guest bedrooms sheets and towels. I might add the kids and hubby did decs - so I did not do all of it, but I did do more than I should.
I felt that if I did not get up it would not of got done, as I had been asking for it to be done all morning. Once I was up and I was able to organise everyone in an effort to get all the work done!
I eventually returned back to bed and took more cocodomols as I still had the swelling and felt unwell. The heat and the continued swelling has stayed all day, fingers feel fat and stiff.
Should I ring rheumy? I am on steroids 10mg, is that why I don't feel the actaul pain of a flare? Is it a flare? I also have a doc appt wednesday and was going to hang on till then.
I've also tried to look up at past blogs and found a useful blog about flares from someone called lynw. But all flares have pain, I don't have pain as such only an awareness of pain and of course if I move the affected joints mainly wrists then I have pain.
I am sorry to ask for help so early in 2012.
Just feel down as I know the rheumy wanted to start to reduce my steroids. I think if I ring, they might up the dose again and I don't seem to be keeping to the agreed plan, plus I think its in my head ( phsycosomatic).
Need to finish as fingers are stiffening even more now.
Thanks for reading my thoughtsds
Sci xx