I have woken up this morning with pain in fingers,hands,wrists,elbows,shoulders,knees,ankles and feet. The only other time I felt like this was June 2010 when I was referred to the rheumatologist. I am on MTX, salazopyrin and plaquenil. Currently waiting for the nurse to ring about an appointment for methotrexate injections(have been waiting 8 weeks)
I have a feeling that stress is a contributory factor. I have my appointment with my manager and HR officer on Wednesday where we are discussing IHR and I am also expecting relatives down from Scotland so have been working on getting the house tidy and food sorted. On a positive note at least my eyes are clear(they have been for about 10 days now)
OH bought me an iPad last week so managing to type this with a stylus pen I bought to go with it, much easier than using fingers.
Lottie xx