Hello All
I first wrote a blog on this site last year in the summer and haven't been back on until now. This is due to mixed information I have received from consultants so i haven't known what's been going on-it has been a living hell. For the past year I have been told I have arthritis, it's ra, been on prednisolone and mtx and hydroxychloriquine, only to be told to stop everything apart from hydroxychloriquine as it's fibromyalgia. Then I've seen another Ra consultant who said it definitely was arthritis and to carry on with hydroxychloriquine and would see me in 3 months time. The 3 months came, I was 1.5hours late going in and he said great news, your bloods are clear which is good news for the future as it's not ra or arthritis at all, after telling me it was at my last appointment, he just didn't know if it was ra. He told me to look at my diet without even asking about it-I'm size 10 eat lots of veg and fish, snack on raw almonds and drink 2litres of water a day. I asked him "do I look over weight and in unhealthy to you?" To which he replied "no". I then asked him why my knees and hip hurt so bad, in particular my left hip-he said it was because I had such long legs and because of my height, I'm 5ft 11 so I pity all people taller than me as they must be in agony more than me. He suggested I took up badminton and netball even though I couldn't walk properly. I then asked if I should carry on with the hydroxychloriquine to which he asked " who told you to carry on taking that" and said "you" so he told me to stop. I burst into tears, I've never experienced anything like it. Since the appointment 3 months ago, my hands and knees burn and my doc referred my to an orthopaedic who said I need hip arthroscopy do to having a labral tear and no cartilage. So glad I didn't attempt to play any sports!! My work have been extremely supportive and I'm looking at seeing a new consultant. Has anyone else experienced this kind of care and advice? xxx