I'm not sure if this is a nodule because it comes and goes but my husband just spotted it and said "what's that?!" - made me wonder. Its tiny and squishy to the touch - the size of a lentil and its on the inside of my wrist near my veins just below my palm. Is this an RA nodule does anyone think? I have no idea but its swollen and achy tonight in both hands and wrists.
Also do many people with reasonably inactive/ mild RA get all thee secondary add ons? I'm thinking OA (fingers) Reynauds and now Sjogrens? It seems a bit excessive and I've been blaming the drugs but now having a break - week 2 nearly over (week 4 Hydroxy) and they are still dominating things. Mind you it is cold and I do have a sore throat so could be just aching and icy from that.