Have been on gold injections for a month now thought I was winning with this one until my red blood cells started to drop...now on tablets for aniemia feeling very exhausted severe night sweats followed by pins and needles all over body feeling very weak...lymph nodes on neck still there..??? So my appointment with rheumy nurse today was blood tests only and no gold injection for the moment...until I start feeling better...my rheumy is not sure if the gold injections are a cause...I don't think they are as I've often had these blah feelings in the past obviously not as bad as im now been anaemic but will just have to wait and see....like my rheumy nurse said today r a has a lot to answer for....Nicola x
Not well enough today to have my gold injection :-( - NRAS
Not well enough today to have my gold injection :-(

Gold injections I had them a long time ago and was suffering to many contraindications so they were stopped.
The gold injection is one of the older treatments, the problem with it is it amplifies the exhaustion we all suffer from because our immune system is further suppressed because of the drug.
If you are feeling so bad would you not feel better discussing this more fully with the RA nurse or the Specialist. They could consider a change in medication, it seems a shame that you are feeling like a damp cloth. The problems we all have with these medications after all effect the immune system, just a suggestion. I am not a doctor so I cannot advise on the problems you are having

Hi bob thank you for your reply. I've tried most of the dmards and the gold is the last dmard for me to try. I'm going see how I get on...discuss with rheumy nurse next week. See how things go with my bloods and take it from there. I suppose we have to try different meds to see which one we can tolerate....not straight forward thanks again Nicola
Sorry you are feeling so rough..the exhaustion is terrible..I've been out today as I felt really well..absolutely worn out now just getting ready for bed...it's never ending isn't it? I hope they sort you out soon honey. Maryx
Thank you Mary....so true about days out...my friend has asked me to go out for couple hours tomorrow...she understands I have to arrange these outings when I wake up on the day as just going in the shower is sometimes exhausting...it's annoying at times when we can't plan...the good thing is chatting to people like you on hear who understand...thanks again Nicola x x x
I think we..on this site...are the only ones who really understand...I too can't plan anything and sometimes when I do, I still only have a little time before it all starts..it really is debilitating...mentally as well as physically...I often feel such a spoil sport..luckily my family and a couple of close friends "get it".... If you are up for it, why don't you try to join us on our trip down Southend pier to see Santa? I had no idea I could have so much fun without leaving the house...I think we are going to misbehave terribly...hopefully!!!! Maryx
We only pretend to go and post each other...we don't actually leave our homes so see how you feel honey.maryx
It's funny because I thought that when I first joined but I found myself talking to someone who lives in America!!!! She.s coming on Friday too..I think there are quite a lot of us now...it gets really silly and I have laughed out loud to some of the posts..so hopefully Friday Eve will be just as funny...I haven't met any of them but they are all so kind and understanding of each other that I feel some of them are my friends already..the only trouble is, some evenings I thin my iPad will explode!!!!! See you Friday then..we are going to see Santa before going in the pub!!! Maryx
Ok. Goodnight Nicola x