i went to the docs today as i was feeling abit yucky and plus i found a lump in my armpit, was so worried !....... it was a swollen gland... the doc said im having a bad flare up and because i have tried most of the painkillers and none of them even help alittle with the pain, he told me to see my rhuemy, i did have an appiontment with the rhuemy nurse but she canceled as shes ill. so im going to phone her tomoz to see whats happening.
also my nails are going mad, they are dis coloured and brittle and sore, apparently thats cause my flare up aswell. i have never had such a bad flare up like this before, and the MTX hasnt had time to properly kick in as i have only been on them for 5 weeks, .. oh god i hate this disease, i really do. so has anyone else ever had swollen glands or nail problems due to RA ? and any advice would be great, coz at this moment in time i just feel so alone, and my partner is great but doesnt really understand how painfull really is.
mucho love