Good Morning Everybody, I would like to get a few opinions from you guys. I have RA, Fibro, plus a few other health issues. I suffered a heart attack a yr ago. I am 53 yrs old. A wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister. Sometimes I feel stretched to the limit. I have a lot of pain. Anyway, my question is: In the mornings I seem to wake up in alot of pain, I reach for a pain pill. I wonder if I depend to much on the med? My rheumy says that I am dependant on med, but addition is where you take to get "high". I might take 2 a day, on bad days I will take 3. Does anyone else have this "guilt"? The meds do not knock me out, but they do help with the pain. I take humira, mtx inj., cymbalta.
Usually I try to be positive, but this has been on my mind for a couple of days. I would really love your opinions. What is your best way to cope with the pain? I have be dxd with RA for over 11 yrs. Thanks friends. May you all have a wonderfully blessed day. God Bless Linda