I had a meeting with my boss yesterday, as I am first aider and mentioned that when I start my TNF treatment that I might need to be 'excused' from my duties when dealing with vomiting children.
My job consists of 3 parts, first aid being one of them - I have not had any time off due to my condition, although I am sure I should have, I try to have my appointments out of working hours, and although a little slower on bad days, I have managed to keep up with my work load almost the whole time.
The trouble is I love my job - it has been the one thing that has kept me going throughout the last 18 months, my friends have supported me and am glad I am working there - but now I feel like a bit of a nuisance.
I cried buckets yesterday, as I am suddenly feeling scared at the thought of not having a job, but not being 'ill' enough to warrant any support.
I am part of a union and will seek their guidance, but I just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything like this.
Thanks guys