had my first rheumy appointment went well i think amswered everything they asked had my husband there as back up. had injections into both ankles and left knee so hopefully that should start working soon. rheumy said i may need a knee replacement cause my knee points outwards! had bloods and xrays done have got an appointment to see rheumy nurse in 6 weeks time they gonna start me on leflunomide. im concerned about work cause nearly running out of sick time well meaning friends tell me i should claim disability but have always worked wouldnt no where to start with all that, so for no just gonna go with the flow michelle.
thought i would give u an update.: had my first rheumy... - NRAS
thought i would give u an update.

Hi Michelle glad your rheumy appt went well and that you got some answers and plans. I know what you mean about worrying about sick time and others have expressed their concerns about the same thing.Is it sick pay you are about to run out of or are work threatening to finish you. If the latter then your RA should come under disability and there are rules about what they can and cant do.
hope your next appt goes well too.
thanks cris i still have 10 weeks left of sick pay and my workplace have been really good with me. just feel if i use it now to hopefully get myself right,i just hope there will be no need to run out before i get back to work. michelle x
Hi Michelle, Glad Your app, I don't know your serointment went well, I have been of work since the being of July, I only had one week company sick pay, As i have only been working with them for 1 year,
But i have been receiving SSP though my company, Is this what you are getting, It last for i believe 26 or 24 weeks,Mine runs out about the being of Feb, As i did have a few holiday with in this time..........
I don't know what your circumstances are, but i know you might be able to claim ESA,
I was told i can't claim this until i receive a letter from my head office saying i have only 5 lots of SSP left, But i don't no if i will get it as i am married, but they do it over the phone for you to, the number is 08000556688, Make sure you have all your information available for them,E.G Bills and incomes......I know it doesn't help when you have to worry about money as well....
Hope this helps Michelle xx
Pleased the appointment went well and work is being supportive you need this time to try and get yourself more sorted.
i have been at my workplace 18+ years so have occuerd? that amount of sick time. just feel like im not really ill to be off work feel a bit of a fake lol. taking a while to get me head round it as well today not to worry im still here theres a lot more people worse of than me. michelle