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Theresa profile image
7 Replies

Dear All,

I wish that everybody is well and happy.

Unfortunately I do not feel that way at present, because my company has arranged a way to push me out of my job.

I'm a professional security officer and when I was diagnosed in 2006, my contracts manager at the time gave me all the support that needed. He found a way for me to keep my job as he knew how important it was for me to work and to continue to have the respect of everybody around me and not feel any kind of pity.

He arrange with the client for me to work in a permanent position where I would do my job seating down.

All my life I have been a very active person and at the time it was very difficult to adapt myself to be in a place where the activity required was just from my brain.

Eventually, I did adapt to my duties and the fact that I worked with CCTV as well it helped.

Modesty apart I'm very good in my profession.

I secured my place for the last seven years , where the satisfaction of the client was quite high.

In 2011 my old company that had the security contract, after 10 years lost it.

Therefore , the actual company toke over with the start of the new financial year.

All employees were protected by the employment law and our jobs were protected by it.

However this company, from day one tried in a very dirty way to convince the majority of my colleagues to sign a zero hours contracts that would be the same as the one they already hold for many years and it was me and some other colleagues that told the ones targeted with such lie that they shouldn't sign such contracts and impose their rights to keep their positions as it has been for all those years service. The company didn't like it and I was pulled apart and threatened if I would continue to help my colleagues, I would suffer the consequences of it.

Certainly that it doesn't exist a law about what we can or not can speak within work colleagues and if a colleague would aske me to help and if I can, I'll always do it..

Furthermore, with threatening warnings about this or that, I've never felt intimidated by themand time went by with nothing more than words, until the 23th of October/12, when I was called by my manager to inform me that from the 30th of October/12 I would not work anymore in my permanent position and should work in a rotate schedulle like everybody else.

First of all my contract was different from my colleagues one. I worked from Tuesday to Saturday on a 5 days contract and my colleagues is 6 days on and 2 off.

Hence, first of all I cannot work all day standing still and certainly not work 6 days in a row.

My manager , made a big point to tell me that he didn't have any input or asked about such change because he knows very well that I cannot work standing still not even a hour, imagine all day.

They done this in purpose to force me to resign.

In a further conversation he trusted me the names of the ones who done it all to get rid of me, a 50 years old disabled female.

To be noted that since April 2011 the company got rid of some of my colleagues, who were part of the group they tried to dispose in the beging of the take over.

I'm taking the company to Court.

Hence, my big worry is in my age and mobility restrictions, who'll give me a job. My health is deteriorating as well and I'm falling in depression and dispair.

What do you think? Any suggestions?

Kind regards

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Theresa profile image
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7 Replies

This terrible, take legal advice, the citizens advice is good starting point, wishing you well.

There some people on her with legal/ benefits skills which I dont have im hoping they will read your blog

shirlthegirl profile image

I don't have any legal/ benefit skill really, and i think this is discussing ,It does sound like they have done this because you stuck up for yourself and your colleagues......

It can be hard to prove thou, decently take further action like summer has said, because i would, This is so concerning to all of us that have a job, I'm hopping to return after he new year, My boss has been really supportive, And has said he would use me as a floater, but with all the cut back the company are still making, I'm a bit worried that he is not going to be able to do that, I only work part time so that might work, Have they not even offered you part time?, may be this wouldn't help you, but at least it would show they are trying......

Well good luck and keep us imformed,

Take care Xx

Theresa profile image

Dear Shirlthegirl,

Thank you for your kind words.

My problem is that I cannot work standing on my legs all day and they know that very well.

If they wanted, it is obvious that for e.g. I'm qualified to work in a control room, in a reception and they have lots of these positions all over London.

It is very simple that they don't want disabled employees.

The colleagues that they wanted to get rid of and they did to some, are Gurkas, ex-army men that serve for 15/20 years for the simple fact these people are not models and because the site where I worked , we deal with vip's, royalties, etc... they want attractive officers because it gives a great impression.

This company discriminates people on a daily basis and until someone exposes them, they'll continue to do.

I'm going to take them to Court.

I would help my colleagues all over again. Since I saw something unfair when I was 6 years old that I cannot support any kind of injustice towards anyone. I find it quite repulsive, it is the weapon of the cowards.

Have a lovely day.


Theresa profile image

Dear Summer,

Thank you for the kind words.

The sadest thing is how many people like me is all over, but quiet and scared.

This is not politics, is inhumanity. People, that are on the head of a company and play dirty towards others in such ways, are desgusting and should to be expose.

There's no inspection surprises to work places, because if it would happen, a lot of employers would be exposed and enquires to be done and serious penalties to be charged.

Have a good day.


earthwitch profile image

Definitely get legal advice - preferably through your union, or through a specialist employment issues person. CAB can be a good place to start.

farjer121 profile image

Sounds alot like Disability Discrim covered by Equality Act 2010.

If they know and accept your disability you are supposed to grt Reasonabke Adjustmrnts or Redeployment. If they place you on duyies knowing it will be a problem fir you let them know its a ptoblem... If they do nothing or continue to make tjings fifficult make notes... Dates times who you spoke with... If necessary secretly revord vonversations... Ultimately take them to Employment Tribunal and if it suits you aldo apply for Ill Health Retirement.

I am having to do the same, I gave notes of thongs thst were said to me. Also secretly revording if meetings cos the official minutes never reflect what was or more often than not Not said. My Employment Tribunal us in Jan 2013. And I am applying for ill health retirement at the ripe old age of 46, with little chance of getting it.

Good luck and dont let the buggers grind you down.

sylvi profile image

theresa, i am sorry for the predicament that you find yourself in. I was made redundant three years ago, applied for a job with the new company,but they got rid of me by not letting me have the job i applied for. They offered me 12hrs and they were early in the morning, knowing i wouldn't be able to do them. I would find it very find it very hard to get a job now. What the goverment doesn't understand is that employers won't employ people like us because there are plenty of unemployed who could do a job over us who would work if we are able.

I hope it all turns out well for you. sylvi.xx

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