Miserable....: Having a bad few days....think the... - NRAS


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clair profile image
12 Replies

Having a bad few days....think the dancing did me in on saturday night!! Seriously though and struggling emotionally at the moment,did'nt realise it was going to be this hard to get my head around this bloody awful condition.....I want my old life back!!

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clair profile image
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12 Replies
sylvi profile image

Me too clair,it makes me sick to death being in pain.Not having any energy is also a killer. Just rest up and take the pills to get some relieve.

Hope you soon feel brighter soon.


Mags126 profile image

Me too, what a bunch of miseries we are! Really hope you cheer up soon and the pains diminish. I'm struggling just to write this morning with my stupid swollen fingers, it's really pants:( anyway going to try to buck up and cheer up. Take care x

cathie profile image

So sorry ! Do you have any sunshine? I don't know what the weather's doing at the moment where you are. Have a chocolate biscuit and a cup of coffee and a big hug from me. Its rotten feeling like this. But it rarely stays the same - I've had RA for 10+ years and I've been up and down. A bit more stable now as meds have stayed the same and I have less stress.

I wanted to upload a photo but the file was too big for the site, so sorry!

X Cathie

Rest up a bit and soon you will be able to do some more stuff, it was only recently i.e last couple of months when I have been well enough to go out in the evening!.. first went only for an hour than gradually extended it.. I go to a pub to listen to bands but there are table and chairs and I occasionally have a quick shuffle on the dance floor too x

i know Clair - you are so young and you haven't been diagnosed very long, its a time of transition - doesn't make it any easier but hopefully once you get some proper treatment, you will feel a bit better and get a bit if not most of your old life back.

Hope you feel better tomorrow take care x

LavendarLady profile image

Hi Clair, try to get as much rest as you can. Take your pain meds too. It takes time to come to terms with having RA particularly when it is so up and down but things will improve over time. Unfortunately, life will never be the same again as it was as we have all found to our cost but if you pace yourself, know your own limitations and if you have overdone it, rest the next day,you will get through and still be able to enjoy yourself. LavendarLady x

MrsMac07 profile image

Hi Clair,

I am totally with you on this one. I too am feeling very low and despite being on medication for depression I am still finding each day a real stuggle. The only thing really keeping me going at the moment are my children.

I'm trying to take each day as it comes and I have been trying to plan things so that I have things to look forward too, I have found that this helps. I keep trying to look for the positives and hoping that once the medication for the RA kicks in I will start feeling a bit more like my old self. I too am recently diagnosed and it is a huge thing to try and get you're head around. Knowing that there are other people who feel the same way and who are experiencing the same things is a help.

I know its easier said than done but try and keep you're chin up and I know we don't know each other but if you feel you'd like to talk please don't hesitate. Maybe it would do us both some good?

Keep smiling. ;0)

clair profile image
clair in reply to MrsMac07

Hey Lovely!

Thank you for your message you're right it is a help knowing we are'nt the "only ones" and this site has become a god send to me.

The thing I find most difficult to deal with is the speed this happened....one day I was fine,healthy and happy and the next I was a mess....it literally happened overnight and now I'm pretty much dependant on my kids (Im a single mum to two teenagers) to get me through the day. I cant just go out,everything is planned way in advance and I miss my independance!

Its early days for us both and I'm sure it will get better (it has too!) we both have to adjust and be patient I suppose??!!!

Speak soon xxxx

Kaz1 profile image

Hi, i have really struggled too am only 43 and my girls are in their 20's now and they help me, i take anti depressants but still have day's when i cry and want my old life back. I used to go out dancing with my friend's but now go for meals instead as i get too tired, you just have to adjust ! This site is great for sharing your worries as they all know what your going through.

I was diagnosed in Oct 2010 and have still not got the right meds yet, but i know i will eventually you just have to be patient !

Karen x

PJ68 profile image

Oh I can so relate to all of this!

I am 43 too, was diagnosed in Oct 2010, still not get the meds right, and have been in constant pain for 18 months.

I am angry as I was mis-diagnosed, bloods were not checked and had an ESR of over 30 for 6 months before I broke down.

I cry buckets, not everyday , but as my daughter says, if I haven't cried today I have won! The days I do cry she knows to hug me and make me tea!

I did try to blame things, but have decided that life has dealt me a load of **** in the past and now I have a wonderful husband and a daughter who adore me and love me - and everyday they wish they could wave a wand and take my pain away!

Know that there are people on here who know exactly how you feel and will support you as best we can - I'm here when you need to chat!

take care x


clair profile image

Thank you all for such lovely comments. Some days I feel like I can fight this and not let it beat me,I mean its not the end of the world that the floors havent been swept right?! But then I get angry and bitterness sinks in....its so bloody unfair!! Im angry that my kids have become my "carers" ( im a single mum) Ive lost any shred of diginity I had left (so humbling when your daughter shaves your legs and your son gets you out of the bath) and Ive not been to work since the end of May so am so skint!!

On the plus side Ive realised that nothing really matters as long as you are loved,I am determined that once Ive stopped feeling so sorry for myself it will make me stonger and Im going to make new friends (on here!)!!


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