Introduction: Hi everyone, I've been reading your posts... - NRAS


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allypal profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone, I've been reading your posts over the last few days, and decided that it was time for me to join in and let my presence be known! I don't want to be too intrusive as a newbie, but thought it polite to let you know that I am here, and am quite prepared to join in rather than be a shadowy voyeur lurking on the sidelines! I guess the easiest way to introduce myself is to repeat the info which I have just posted on my profile, so here it is!

I'm female, 55, and live alone, having been divorced a lifetime ago, and have a wonderful son aged 26, with an equally wonderful girlfriend who live fairly close to me. Agh! no I don't live alone - I live with Dusty, my beautiful ginger cat who is 14, and has me well under her control!

I've been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis over the last 18 months, and initially prescribed Hydrochloriquine, but when this proved ineffective, Methotrexate and the required folic acid, which I was eventually taking 6 days out of 7 due to gastric problems. As these problems continued, I accepted the switch to injectable MTX, gradually increasing the doseage, but forced to settle at 20mg for several months when a leg ulcer interupted proceedings, and the medical team kept a close eye to ensure the ulcer healed before progressing with higher dose MTX every Monday. Once healed, I increased to 25mg, and while I no longer suffer the nausea, I still have unpleasant bloating and loss of appetite from Tuesday to Friday/Saturday.

Other meds include Metoclopramide to ease the gastric symptoms, Lansoprazole to protect stomach lining, Naproxed, Co-codamol and Tramazole and or Amitriptyline (sp). Extras include Desogestrel (gynae issues), Eltroxin (underactive thyroid), Metformin (Diabetes), Citalopram (depression) and seductively sexy compression hosiery to prevent further leg ulcers! Following the latest visit to my GP, I now have to decide whether to accept statins due to a raised cholesterol level.

I'm glad I found you all, and I've already found this site to be a comfort with people saying things with which I can identify. Thanks to you all for being here!

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allypal profile image
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17 Replies
watson3 profile image

Hello allypal

Welcome to this lovely site. Lots of nice people here to chat, share stories and get good advice. Sharing knowledge with others affect like ourselves is a great bonus.

I was diagnosed in March and I am on monotheraphy methoject 20mg injection once weekly.

I was on tablet form but too many gastric problems.

Just had a test on my stomach that has revealed lots of inflammation. Bloated and uncomfortable upper stomach. Stopped injection for 3 WEEKS. now joints all swollen again.

Should get biopsy results next week.

Good to have you on board.

Keep us updated with your progress

Carole. :-) :-) :-)

sylvi profile image

Welcome and good morning. This is a great group of people and there are as many men as there are ladies. We all support each other and share in the good times as well as the bad. You sound like you have had your share of the hard times. I hope that some of your problems soon start to settle down.

Like you i have had my share of hard times, but i do try not to give in to this blasted disease. I have RA/Fibromyalgia, so i understand where your coming from.


Judi profile image

Hi Allypal,

Nice to meet you, sorry about all your health problems.

They are a good crowd on here and very helpful, it's suprisising how much you can find out when reading other people's posts. As they say 'life is a learning curve' and there's much to learn about the meds and what's happening to us.

Judi xxxxxx

Ccolman607 profile image

Hi Allypal

Nice to meet you :)

Like you I was diagnosed with RA earlier this year. I also have Diabetes (insulin), Thyroid issues and high blood pressure. I will be 50 later this year and so have made a decision to stop my full time role (very stressful) and take on a part-time role, giving me time to 'look after myself'. I just hope that I can now find another job!

Methrotrexate is at 20mcg a week and I have got over the nausea's feeling. I still have days when I am so very tired! I take sulphazaline (sp?) 6 per day and at last am getting some relief.

I don't post often, but when I do, everybody is very friendly and there are some interesting things that I have learnt. Best of all is that you know you are talking to a group of people who understand the difficulties you are having with this disease.

I look forward to hearing more about you and you cat :)



Neverwell profile image

Hi allypal

I'm am new to this too was told in march I had ra felt so down the

Nice peaple on here helped me get my head round

every thing so hope you enjoy this site an welcome

Karen x

Rockpool60 profile image

Hello. Nice to meet you and I hope you find the advice from these lovely people as helpful as I have done over the last few months.. Sounds like you have a lot going on to cope with and it is great that you have the support of your son and his girlfriend and also the wonderful comfort a cat can give. I was only diagnosed in May so it is all very new and I am still amazed how things change day to day. Take care : Fiona D x

elrose profile image

Welcome, am old hat at RA (16yrs) but reasonably recent to this site. They are great for a moan and a useful resource as it appears rare there isnt something at least one of hasnt come across. Good to meet you, Linda x

Hi allypal,

Welcome to the group, what a fine bunch of people we are.

Seriously, I hope you get lots out of reading all the blogs etc, lots of experienced people on here, who are always happy to help with any questions etc.

Sorry to hear about all your medical problems, you certainly have a lot to cope with.

Keep posting.

Mary x

Hi Allypal,

Welcome to the site. Sorry you have other issues to cope with on top of RA - all this pill popping is pretty wearisome isn't it? I have just switched to injecting MTX - first time last week - and have found in that one week that some side effects have lessened such as huge wave of low that usually hits me the next day was missing this week which was a big improvement. The foul taste I always get after taking it arrived a bit later but is still here ;-( and I'm feeling quite nervous about injecting it into myself for the first time on Tuesday as the practice nurse did it for me last week. I'm only on 15mg and have been advised to drop a dose of Hydroxichloraquine so only on 200mg of that - so far no flare ups since early June just a vague rise in stiffness and slightly more aching but nothing to moan about really.

I take Levothyroxine for an underactive thyroid but haven't had to worry about statins. Have you tried reducing the amount of cholesterol you eat yet? I'm sure you will have but if you're worried about adding another powerful drug into the mix then it's good to rule out the obvious things first I suppose. Nice to have you on board anyway. Tilda x

allypal profile image

Thanks for such a warm welcome! While I'm sure we all wish we didn't have these problems, it's good to find a place where we can discuss them without boring other people rigid as they do not understand, and often just don't want to know.

I'm fortunate (or not, depending on how you view things) in that I don't have a job at the moment, which means I can give in to the fatigue, stay in bed as and when I choose, eat or not, without struggling to force myself to work, as several of you do. The flip side is that money is an issue, and I have severe doubts that I would be able to find a job suitable to my needs, especially in the current monetary climate, and living at the end of the world where work opportunities are scarce. One day at a time is the way to go for now.

On a positive note, yesterday was a day with very little pain, no bloating, and as it was a beautifully warm sunny day my son and fiancee took me for a drive to Newquay, where we sat in a restaurant on the cliff edge overlooking the sea while I enjoyed a nice glass of wine. Later in the evening we had a takeaway curry and they spent the evening with me - all in all a lovely day.

Ally x

_andy_ profile image
_andy_ in reply to allypal

welcome ally ..

sunshine , sea view ,, wine and curry .. that is a lovely day .. :)

your in good hands.. the people on here are fab ..

andy .x

cazh profile image

Hi Ally,

welcome to the site and am sure you will find everyone on here a real help as I've found since being diagnosed with RA last April.

Am currently managing with just MTX plus occasional naproxen - today will increase dose from 12.5 to 15, so am psyching myself up for that. In meantime am just off to enjoy lovely meal to celebrate my daughter's excellent school results.


Treesha profile image

Hi Ally, welcome. Sorry it is in such ill health circumstances but hey ho. I was diagnosed last November as sero negative RA. Currently on 20mg MTX, celebrex ( anti inflam) and co-codamol. Not good at the moment with pain and other issues but finding it comforting to know others are here to listen and give encouragement. Looking forward to your blogs and once again welcome xxxxx

Caza profile image

Welcome Ally, Im new to all this aswell & have found everyone on here very warm & welcoming. Also full of information. Your day sounded like my sort of heaven,sea wine curry & family bliss. Take care caza x

lorann profile image

Welcome Ally, I am from across the pond, in northern Ohio, USA. You will likely see me here, commenting more than blogging, though I should soon share some more interesting factors I have experienced this summer, indirectly related to Psoriatic and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Will love to hear more about your cat, Ginger. Maybe send a picture. I have a tortoise shell Maine Coone female named Bridget who loves me, adores me and has me totally under her control!! But that is because she must know I love her so very much.

I also live alone, though 3 of my 4 sons are nearby enough to see them and their families often. I am blessed with 3 wonderful, kind and thoughtful daughters-in-law.

Glad to have you, we will enjoy your posts, and hope things all settle down. I also am mild diabetic, hypothyroid and elevated Cholesterol. Seems to go with many auto-immune diseases. All the best to you. Loretxx

allanah profile image

Hi! just back from a lovely Caravanning weekend! Nice to hear from you and enjoy the site.... I do

a xxxx :)

Welcome You have your share of health problems nice to meet you x

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I can pretty much cope with the rest. Nice to join here and meet you all, cheers :)

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