What is the pins and needles, prickly sensation about... - NRAS


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What is the pins and needles, prickly sensation about then?

28 Replies

I know others get this on here but it's quite new to me. I'm pretty much sorted out pain-wise just now but my hands and wrists are stiffening up a lot and very prickly just now - does anyone know what causes this please?

28 Replies
sylvi profile image

RA in a word. Thats where mine started. Thats the first time that i had any signs of trouble. My hands are stiff most of the time these days. sylvi.xx

Thanks Sylvi - mine have never been completely normal either since the RA started because although the pain has gone mostly I can't ever clench my fingers fully on either hand now. But it's the prickling pins and needles thing that's really bothering me because I've never experienced it before? I know you are currently in a lot of pain so I'm not moaning at all because I'm not but it's a bit disconcerting having these sherbert/ space dust hands just now! TTx

earthwitch profile image

Inflammation around nerves a bit higher up (wrist, elbow, shoulder or even neck) can compress the nerves a wee bit and give that prickly feeling. Drug side effects can also do it. And it could also be a kind of Raynaud's effect as well (does it go with colour change, or change from hot to cold?)

Thanks Earthwitch that's helpful. I have this deep heat in my shoulders, elbows and wrists currently - I've been having it irregularly for about 2 years now and think it was the way my RA started so it makes a bit of sense that these two are related in someway. My fingers and wrists aren't swollen but then I rarely show any swelling visibly. I have been getting what I assume is Raynaud's all year so that also makes a bit more sense of this fierce prickling too. The pins and needles is spreading up my arms and is almost constant at the moment though - hoping it doesn't lead to anything beyond discomfort. Tilda x

helixhelix profile image

I get prickly hands mostly in the mornings, and it usually wears off. But I've also had it when I've been overdoing the hand activity (turning fruit mountain into jam was one example...) so have you been stitching more than usual without breaks to flap your hands around? Px

Well I have been stitching a lot it's true Polly but I always shake my hands around quite a lot now and I've been stitching a lot for months. Its moving up into my arms and doesn't seem to go away - been constant for about 2 days now? Do you remember that sweetie stuff called Space Dust that you could put in the mouth and it made it explode in the pallet? Well it's very like that in my hands, wrists and now up into both arms. A bit weird?! TTx

126Jessie profile image

HI Tilda, Agree with the others, RA most of the time with me too, but I did have it in a more extreme way when my B12 was low on one occasion, my Vit D on another.

I notice it appears when I have maybe inadvertently over done things. R.A. seems to niggle the nerves before the puffiness and swelling appears. 5 years ago I suffered from a nueritis sp? / brain infection whilst on methotrexate and every time I feel a bit run down it appears again, blooming annoying tingly sensation. So in other words I think it is your RA too. Maybe worth asking the Doc how your B12 and Vit D levels are as Methotrexate seems to eat them all up. Over my 14 years with RA, I have learned to live with it but I can remember it driving me insane to start with. Good luck and if it is anything like mine it should pass. Be kind to yourself, hot bath, heat pads and gentle exercise help me. Colette xx

Thanks Collette - I've never had my vit B12 levels or Vit D checked so will maybe ask the GP sometime next time I go. I'm on hypothyroid but was checked recently as I'm taking a lower dose now - he would have said something if thyroid test wasn't normal I'm sure. I'm really trying not to bother them because I usually see them once a month for blood tests and end up quizzing them and think this is too much so am trying to wean off because I've been fine. If I was B12 or Vit D defficient I'm sure I'd feel ill? I will see the practice nurse in 2 weeks time for monthly blood monitoring so will ask her if it's still an issue. If anyone thinks I should check this pins and needles out more urgently then I will but if it's just a question of getting used to it then I'd rather do that. TTx

bigmommy profile image
bigmommy in reply to

hi I have this feeling all over different parts at different times my consultant seams to think it is fibromyalgia which aparantly is . nerve thug x

bigmommy profile image
bigmommy in reply to bigmommy

nerve thing x

Sorry about lousy spelling Colette - blame the space dust/ sherbert! TTx

hamble99b profile image

tests for low calcium and vitd are good idea.

I was told that

pins and needles in thumb, forefinger and part o middle finger and pain in wrists can be capal tunnel syndrome. pins and needles in these and the other fingers are from he neck.



Thanks Sandra - I will report it to doc if it continues because it's starting to really annoy me. I had wondered about Carpal Tunnel but my wrists aren't very sore these days so maybe not. It's all over my hands and up into my wrists and becoming worse and more general by the hour I'd say. TTx

Gina_K profile image

I think that is what they call neuropathic pain, I think it's nerve endings. Open to correction. As RA is systemic, can inflamm ligaments and tendons as well as joints.

I get that occasionally, think related to inflammation processes. I am open to correction if wrong.


Gina_K profile image

I also had Pins & needle sensation and went thru the whole carpel tunnel caffufle on line only to be told by my rheumy if it wasn't constant not to worry. It went away since.

Good luck Tilda, how are inflamm levels in blood, normal I assume as u have said mtx is doing the trick for you?


Thanks Gina - ESR was at 34 just over 2 weeks ago - previous reading was 58 spa good drop "heading in the right direction but not quite there yet" my GP said. Will see what it's doing in 2 weeks time. It is constant - here again today so I suspect Carpal Tunnel from what you say. Tilda x

sylvi profile image

Morning ladies, i can't seem to answer you induvidally so i will do it here. Bigmommy, you had the word right when you wrote thug.

Tilda, my middle pinky is still very prickly and swollen as well. I don't know whether to ring my rheumy nurse and see what she says. I'm bit reluctant as i have been on the phone to her so much in the last few weeks.

Love to all sylvi.xxx

elsa123 profile image

Hi Tilda, sounds like carpal, or it could be coming for your elbow, or neck.

Mine drove me mad, and my rheumy referred me to have nerve conduction tests, with a view to operating.

During the time that I was waiting, it started improving, and now I get a funny sensation in my middle finger only.

Hopefully, once your inflammation reduces, it will get better.

Nic x

Hi again folks - just back from tai chi with my body still fizzing away - hands and wrists especially. Do you think I should make a doctors apt or is it just something I should put up with that will go away eventually? It doesn't hurt but it is very annoying and I do keep wondering if it means something bad is cooking. I could just wait and mention it to the nurse in ten days time as don't want to seem OTT? Tilda x

thekeys46 profile image

Maybe worth a visit to have some blood tests done to get things excluded. xxx

I will be getting my bloods done by the practice nurse in ten days time for MTX monitoring so plan to ask her about the pins and needles. My OH thinks it's because I've been working full pelt on stitching projects - a repetitive strain thing. He could be right - perhaps it is a matter of getting pins and needles in amongst my pins and needles?! Whatever I'll maybe see if I can get an apt tomorrow although seeing either of the two regular GPs any sooner than ten days from the phone call is like pulling hen's teeth! TTx

Tinwoman2 profile image

Tilda, I have never had the prickly feeling that you are talking about, I just get the acid/burning sensation in my wrists when I use them too much.

I think it's quite similar Christine. My wrists used to burn fiercely in the way you describe but haven't done for a while although I admit this sensation creeping slowly back now and the prickling also feels quite acidic and burning so I think it must be connected with my RA. My hands are also a bit swollen again when I wake now and the pins and needles has spread to my feet and ankles and upper arms so am wondering if it's inflammation that is spreading around or just one of those odd things that we never find and explanation for. Anyway I'm resolved to ignore it all for the time being as I'm not going to see the GP for pins and needles or he'll thing I'm a hypo! Tilda xx

FionaGFG profile image

Get your B12 tested - low levels can cause numbness and pins and needles. It maybe pernicious anemia which is auto-immune too.

Thanks Fiona. Do they check anaemia when they take monthly bloods for MTX and is would it be dangerous if I leave it until a week on Monday I wonder? I'm still prickling a bit but I'm also flaring a bit with sore knee, shoulders, wrists and feet so I'm thinking the pins and needles might have just been the run up to a slight flare up (hoping it will be slight anyway). I don't feel or look unwell or anaemic though. TTx

allanah profile image

Hi Tilda

Mine is in my feet toes, hands fingers and got a scan, had 4 burst discs and going for a whole spinal scan next week in the closed mri scan, thank fully they are giving me a GA as you know how claustrophobic I am, so would go see that gorgeous GP of yours!! Axx

Thanks Allanah - unlike you I'm experiencing very little pain so I think it's unlikely to be something so dramatic but I am fretting now that it's a neurology matter because it's very widespread and getting worse. I spoke to my GP on Friday and he sounded a bit concerned and told me to get in touch if it remained or got worse over the weekend. So I will phone when the surgery opens today as my imagination is getting over active now and I'm extremely prickly and itchy - didn't sleep much last night! Tilda x

PS good luck with the scan - if I get one ever they'll have to give me a GA also as I'm terribly claustrophobic too! x

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