I am suffering my arthritis for 20 years and I stop my medication 18 years ago because it causes kidney failure to me. I cant move freely and I cant walk. I am using my wheelchair now so that I can go where I want. Everyday I am suffering for these pain and I don't know what to do in order to be cured. I don't have any physician to paid off. I live in Philippines but before there was no hospitals that can cure my arthritis, I hope that there is a cure and I am eagerly to see the world because I stayed at my house for 20 years.
Is there any cure for my arthritis? I am having so mu... - NRAS
Is there any cure for my arthritis? I am having so much pain for 20 years with my arthritis And I can not walk.

This is a very difficult question to answer without knowing anything about what is available to you in the phillipines. I live in Ireland and because I cannot afford my medication it is subsidised by my government, this is how it is in other places too. Do you have a medical professional you can talk to at all?
I can't help sorry, but wishing you cyber ((((Hugs)))).
Wishing your relief from the awful pain,
Sci x
Poor you- as the others say we can only sympathise. There is no cure for arthritis I'm sorry to say but there are drugs which can slow the disease down if it's caught in time. They are not cheap and we are very fortunate to get them cheaper or for free on our welfare state which is paid for from our taxes in the UK. You might find very strong painkillers help you and perhaps things such as ice packs and heat packs will help if your arthritis is inflammatory. Sorry not to be able to suggest anything more effective for you though. Tilda x
As Tilda said there is no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis ( the fact you've had it 20 years suggests it's RA rather than osteoarthritis ) but there are drugs that can alleviate your pain. Unfortunately it's a cocktail of drugs that takes time and money of course, to fit each person with RA. Painkillers, anti inflammatory drugs ( these can cause massive problems if not taken with milk and food), 2nd line drugs that dampen the disease from causing joint damage and then other drugs that alleviate the damage the drugs for RA cause. It's a complicated and horrid disease and I am so sorry that you don't have access to anything that can alleviate your pain. Unless a person has RA it's hard to appreciate the level of ongoing pain that goes with RA, and knowing that pain isn't eased with drugs makes me very sad for you. Stay strong and don't let it win!
I was so sorry to read that you had been suffering for 20years. That is a long time to suffer from on going pain.
Do you have any access to any pain relief??
Have you considered holistic or herbal medicine, if you are unable to obtain convential medicines.
Alternating heat and ice pack give relief to some people. Also gentle exercise in the water, as the water suports the joints.
Splinting of very painful joints can also help.
In the last 20 years, there have been many advances, and new drugs developed that might help you, and not cause the kidney failure. If you have access to a General Practitioner, suggest you ask him about the new drugs. Good luck, sounds like you need something. Lxxx