Here goes... I will be taking my first lot of methotrexate before going to bed tonight. Even though I have a painful swollen neck for some reason :/ :/
Hope I don't get any side effects: Here goes... I will... - NRAS
Hope I don't get any side effects

Hope you get a good nights sleep. I'm eight weeks into methotrexate with minimal side effects. Took about six weeks to really start working but I'm feeling much better now. Was taking ibuprofen but haven't had any for the last three days and although not completely pain free I feel much happier. Please give it time and stick with it and hope it works for you.
Good luck.
Hope all goes well with your first dose. It's quite daunting in the beginning but you soon get into the routine. I was advised to take mine an hour after my evening meal then stay upright for an hour or two to make sure they've gone right down. I've always done this and never had any nausea. Angela.
Let's hope it's the start of you feeling little more like your old self. I don't know if your Rheumy mentioned but you won't notice improvement straight away, it could take up to 12 weeks for you to feel the benefits. You have folic acid to help with any side effects so hopefully you'll be covered there but I would agree with Angela & have something to eat & best not to take them just before going to bed or they'll sit on your tum. Were you not prescribed any pain relief to help whilst tapering your steroids?
Yes I've been on co codomol but made me feel sick, so just had gentler ones. I took my folic acid two days ago and yes rheumy said it could take 12 weeks to start working. Can't wait for that because I have it in several joints for the past 3 weeks, but the worst is my left elbow, it's so stiff, swollen and painful - can't even cut my food up, put my earring in or brush my hair with that arm. i will take them now and wait an hour before going to bed. Thanks for your advise
Maybe an NSAID could be of more help as your joints are troublesome. You can only ask & if your GP ok's it he'll probably also prescribe a ppi (stomach protector) like omeprazole to take at the same time. If you're unfortunate enough to have side effects from your MTX it can be taken more frequently, with your Rheumy's blessing of course. I used to take it the day before & the day after MTX but my latest Rheumy prefers to prescribe it each day except MTX day.
I hope your throat eases but if it doesn't don't delay & see your GP. If it's an infection you're best nipping it in the bud. Pop on tomorrow if you've a mo & let us know how you are.
I feel a bit unwell this morning, but don't think it's to do with the methotrexate, I think it's a throat infection. I had a good nights sleep and going out with the family for a meal later to keep my mind off things. When I take next weeks dose I'll have a better idea if I do get side effects. I feel really anxious as I have never taken such a strong drug and just associate chemotherapy to cancer. But really I'm so pleased I've started MTX now and will see in time if it works and helps my over active immune system so I can live a fairly pain free life
Thanks for letting us know & pleased to had a good night but sorry your throat is still causing problems. Enjoy your meal out, good distraction!
I swear if MTX was renamed when used in lower doses we wouldn't have half the people who are new to it so concerned about it being prescribed. I often wish there was just no mention of it being a chemo drug, it's such a scary thought. Nobody ever questions that it's also used for other reasons, equally distressing for some. It doesn't help that often Rheumys don't seem to explain just how good a DMARD it is for many or that in low doses it's an immunosuppressant which I think is why they go searching online & frighten themselves to the point of not wishing to take it. I've been taking it 5 years now & you'd have to fight me to come off it!
The swollen throat I had has developed into flu or possibly a heavy cold. I feel very feverish and tired. Trust me to get this whilst my arthritis is flared up, Also just after taking my first lot of methotrexate. I couldn't go to work today, I feel like I've been run over. I'm waiting for my GP to call me back so I can ask if I can take cold & flu remedies whilst taking methotrexate. All I want to do is sleep. :((
I would think with flaring your immune system is low & the reason you've been knocked out by a bad cold/flu. It could even be a virus, I was at the surgery this morning & lots of people with viruses, though fortunately my GP called me straight through!
Do be careful if your GP says ok on the cold remedy front. Many can't be taken with MTX & take note of how much paracetamol anything contains won't you? How about a warming honey (Manuka if you have any, natural antibiotic) & fresh lemon drink? Not exactly sure if they work but the old remedies still soothe us!
If you want to sleep then sleep, but not until your GP's rung you of course! I hope you get over it quickly.
Just a final thought, did you have a flu vaccine? Obviously you can't have one now but it might be worth asking once you're over the worst or have one reserved before stocks run out, if you've not had one this year.
GP called me today, she said I can take cold/flu remedies also have to go to the surgery tomorrow for a blood test, just to make sure everything's ok before taking my second lot of methotrexate on sat. My body is in bits - aching from this virus and arthritis. :((