my wife for the way in which she relentlessly fights against RA. I love the way she constantly swims upstream against the currents of life. I love the way she doesn't complain but just gets on with life as best she can. I love the way she tries to hide her discomfort by smiling whenever I'm near her. I love her frustrated frown when she knows I've caught her pain-warped grimace. I love the way she soldiers on regardless, stubborn to the point of madness when it comes to not letting things get the better of her. I love the way she's beating this awful condition. I love her so much and I love being her husband. So my darling, if this is you and you're reading this, I love you! x
I love...: my wife for the way in which she... - NRAS
I love...

What a lovely man you are. I am lucky enough to have a good hubby in my life.xx
This is so beautiful, what a lucky couple to have each other. x
How lovely to say the above. I admire you for writing this and telling the world/site as we hear enough sadness and badness in the world. I too am very lucky that I also have a good man/hubby. Its one thing that keeps me going at times cos I waited along time to find the right one. The only sadness is that we didnt meet 30 years ago when we both could have had easier lives and each other to love. For all those special OH we really do appreciate you even though we dont always say it at times. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ah what a lovely post. I too am lucky enough to have a husband who (doesn't always understand the RA) is right by my side through thick and thin........erm except for the four months at a time trips to sea lol.
I've gone all soft and misty eyed........and he's not even my hubbie. What a lovely man you are, your wife is a lucky lady. Bless you.
What a lovely post for me to read first thing this morning, it even made me cry You are a lovely kind hearted man and your brave wife is so lucky to have you
Take care both of you
Oh my goodness! Would husband stealing be out of the question? Surely people would understand........
Thank you for letting us share this lovely gesture.
It's lovely to read your post. She is one lucky lady.
Bless you both - take it from me your love and support will be helping her through the dark days.
Judi xxxx
ahh, how lovely was that to read, please let us know who you are,
What a lovely post, lucky lady.
I'm blessed to have a great husband too, who also read the post and said he wished he had thought of writing it.
wow, made me reach for a tissue
How beautiful - so thoughtful to say it and write it on here - think its's given us all a boost, so thank you