I have been off work for 2 weeks with a bakers cyst - although the swelling has gone down - only by 3 cm - my leg is still 3 cm bigger than the other - and not being able to walk very well. i dont know if i should get another certificate for 1 more week - i dont want to go back too early, or if i should just brave it and go back in? I am a school teacher and feel guilty enough as it is as my students have their gcse and a level exams next week - in a quandry - help!!
need some advice about when to go back to work.... - NRAS
need some advice about when to go back to work....

I am a teacher too and I know how guilty you feel when you are ill. The fact that you are asking the question means that you may already know the answer. Teaching is relentless and so much more exhausting than most people think. Take that extra week until you are properly recovered . You and your students will thank you for it! I have been struggling on since Christmas with a flare and have just had a lovely massage from my Oesteopath and she has reminded me to be kinder to myself. Thought I should pass it on to to you too! Be kind to yourself and try to stop worrying ( comes with the job, i know!) x
thank you so much - its good to hear from a fellow teacher x
I agree, the fact your asking means you already feel that you need another week. Take it, your not doing yourself or your students any favours by going into work while still struggling yourself.
Beth x
I used to teach at a university which is easier going than schools, but the conflict between commitment to students and to your own needs is really difficult. If their exams so soon you can't make that much of a difference. I would have sent them a lovely message of encouragement, then take your needed rest. Cathie xx
thank you so much for your advice