does anybody else have pain in muscles across the chest to under the arms I have this at the moment and it is so painful even tramadol does not take it away, I know I am ready for my cimzia injection this friday as fingers swollen as well, really fed up!!
pain: does anybody else have pain in muscles across the... - NRAS

Hi Ann
not actually had this, but did used to get a lot of pain around the chest area. I was told it could be the ribs on one occasion & that it also could have come from my tight shoulders & neck, referred.
I would get it checked out if I were you.
Hope your feeling better soon
I've always had this pains in my chest and breastbone since first being diagnosed, nobody seemed concerned about it and just said it's RA in my breastbone and ribs. Sometimes it's so bad I feel like I can't breathe but still it's not causing the docs any concerns...just me then?! It also feels like I get a swelling under my breastbone, that is really painful but doesn't seem to last too long - not sure what that is either - any ideas? I think I need a treble appointment with my rheumy in August as I've got so many questions...! Hope you get some answers soon, Jo x
Not had this problem but do get pain across my collar bones and across the muscles in my back. sometimes, the bones are painful to the touch. Having had cancer, that is always a bit of a worry but my Rheumy is not concerned and says it is the RA that causes it. At the moment my feet are very bad and can hardly bear to stand or walk on them. Hope you get some answers. Luck. LavendarLady
Hello Ann, like most of the other I too have suffered with pain in my chest/ribs and in my shoulders but the two are not at the same time. If the pain relief isn't working for you then I would certainly mention this to you consultant or even GP whichever appointment is quicker. It does sound RA related but always best to mention it and get it checked out, it's surprising where and how RA affects us.
Take care
Mandy xx
Thankyou everyone for answering it is good to talk to you all who understand how RA makes you feel I will get it checked
Been to the Drs and the pain I have been getting is the RA so been advised to take a combination of painkillers, cimzia injection tomorrow, hoping that will calm it down.