Hi everyone
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My life is getting easier. My beautiful daughter is hopefully having her brace of her knee tomorrow. She is is walking bending and back to normal health. She even has a new boyfriend who is lovely. Is is so wonderful to have her happy. She has been accepted onto her Level 3 of her course for next year.
My husband is getting there. He has joined a MS therepy centre where he is having pressurised ozygen therapy. He sits in a pressurised tank and breathes pure oxygen for an hour each day. It is not the oxygen that has made such a difference it is the centre. He is so positive and I am getting my husband back. He even drove a short distance on Sunday - the first time in a year. I am so happy, I sat in the car today and shed tears of happiness. I must have looked such a plonker!!!
Me - well my RA is painful, I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Many people may say Oh God something else to worry about, BUT!!! for the first time in 3 years I feel like a light has been switched on.
I have for the first time since I was disgnosed with imflamatory RA feel like I am finally getting answers. I have got to have steroid injections - my husband says I better not drink any more as the liquid will spurt from all the holes my injections make.
I have had some very dark days and I would be lying if I said I am not scared. I can't do as much as I used to and it is so hard to accept that I am not the person I was. I tried to get out of the bath weekend and I couldn't do it even with all the aids I have.
But my work are having to accept things or they will when I have been to the doctors on Wednesday and get signed off. Well I have been giving them fair warnings
I hope everyone is fine and dandy - I have been keeping an eye on you all through your blogs and I will be going on more often.
All we need to do now is move. I am trying to sort this out but keep hitting brick walls. It will happen eventually
Stay safe warm and well everyone
Susanh xxxxxxxxxxxxx