First visit to Rheumatologist: Not quite sure how to... - NRAS


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First visit to Rheumatologist

7 Replies

Not quite sure how to start this, first time I have posted, although when my daughter was diagnosed with RA 18 months ago we both used this site for support to help her through those horrendous weeks and months as she struggled to get RA under control- looking at her today as we sat together in another clinic I am amazed at the transformation and am so grateful for all the help and advice we received in those dark days. She now takes MXT sub cutaneous and TNF injections and her life has turned around. So why I hear you asking is the title of this blog headed " first visit"--- well it seems I too have been diagnosed with the disease and think I am still in something akin to shock...... so there we were, she supporting me and me still convinced that he would say it was simply getting older. Steroid injection, bloods taken, X- ray done and prescription in hand for MTX I walked through the hospital tears clouding vision and needing to be strong, after all my daughter was so much worse. As I swallowed the tablets this evening I wonder what is ahead of me.......

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7 Replies
cris1728 profile image

Sorry that you have had to join us but glad you remembered how supportive and informative this site was when your daughter was diagnosed.

It must be difficult for you having seen what your daughter went through and trying to keep things together for your daughter but as she has been there and you were there to support I am sure she would want to do the same for you. Maybe you should explain to her how you feel and remember that every one is different.

Hope you get similar results and your life turns around too, that you have good pain control and a happy xmas


Hi - welcome - so sorry its your turn to come here but I'm sure you will have equal amounts of success with the right medication balance for you. It feels very scary at this stage but I hope you can be inspired by how much difference the drugs have made to your daughter at least. You want to be strong for their sake but being strong and brave has to include being honest with yourself and her initially and facing your fears head on I feel. Being stoical isn't the same as your neediness will appear in other ways then. You sound like a brave woman though snd coming here was the right thing to do so keep it up and in time you will accept it.

At least you will always have someone close who knows what having RA means - no sceptics who tell you that you are making a fuss about nothing and who don't understand what this disease and the medications we take are actually like. And if and when you come across people like this you can join forces to batter them both down!

Take care and stay around and tell us how you get on with the MTX. Tilda xx

shirlthegirl profile image

Welcome I'm Shirley, I am sure just by joining this site, You will find that that Black cloud will start to disappear a bit day by day, I am new to this Decease, Was diagnosed by my GP early September, But have just started my Meds two weeks ago, My Brother also has RA, he was Diagnosed 20 years ago and has had a rouge time of it, Its can be a comfort knowing that there is someone close that you can talk to, But I would understand that you might find it differcult to talk to your daughter sometimes especially when you are in a lot of pain,....

As parents we don't like to see our children worrying about us and want to stay strong, But we will be here for you if you ever need a chat, Stay warm and i am sorry that you had to receive such horrible news this time of year. Shirley xx

Hi and welcome too x

watson3 profile image

Hello and welcome. Sorry you had to join up with such news. Hope your treatment works well for you.


Thank you everyone- I always try to find the silver lining in all of lifes challenges- yet to find it for this one. One might be I will lose weight if I continue to feel as sick as this and that has to be good for my figure and my joints-laughing at myself. And no alcohol at Christmas- I mean what is that all about- goodness even my bank account might be healthier. It was interesting reading the comments about Folic acid- I had not ever realised that this was to help counteract the side effects of of MTX, so have just taken one and hope tomorrow is better,

Re silver linings - I've lost 5 stone since my GP told me he thought I had RA from my blood test results and symptoms back in April 2011 - and as I was obese that's got to be a silver lining! Plus I work out a bit every day which is also a bonus as I look younger than I looked ten years ago everyone who knows me says! Sure if I can find some you can too. TTx

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