any body out there suffer from bowel problems, smelly poo's lots of wind blowing smells like a dead dog is inside
on mtx hydro folicd acid worst when meds are due
any body out there suffer from bowel problems, smelly poo's lots of wind blowing smells like a dead dog is inside
on mtx hydro folicd acid worst when meds are due
Sounds Familiar all right never sure of cause, mayb mtx?? it is awful, and I never was a windy person before! so embarrassing. dead dog or dead rat!!!!
look at artyones recent question - i find that I get bad spells, especially if I overindulge. Polly
thank you for your reply i donot know how i can be 3stone overweight when i fell i spent most of my time on the toilet i do eat gluten free diet and only chicken and fish has i know if i eat red meat or pork i will pay the price do you take anything to help with it i will let my doc know see if he can give me anything
thanks again i let you know how i go on at the doc next week
I've had IBS for years, but I think, for me, it's the drugs, as the wind started when I started taking them.
I find that a gluten free diet helps with the IBS.
certainly do suffer with wind ,thankfully not smelly but its not nice ,its always worse on mtx day and day after so definately linked ,,,,,,,my poor husband ,trouble is i now cant moan when he gets windy !!