Late last year, I visited the Professor and gave her my list of how I was, she was thrilled skinny with my blood results and annouced, I was all normal again, which I have to say I am much improved, due in no small measure to her administrations of various chemicals & toxins. My back ache was due to my weight gain (the evil prednesilone) and the professor was again so pleased that I was going to address that soon!
I mentioned to her that I was still suffering from awful fatigue, so she said drop down to 15 mg of meth, so thinking nothing of it I did. Now looking back, I realise that this small decrease started off a Christmas of aches and pains, and creaks and of course the lethal wrist bone swell! Anyway many €s later I am back on my 20mg meth and miraculously aching has subsided and feet are semi ok! I won't be decreasing that again. Another thing I mentioned (not to worry anyone but RA has been linked to an increased chance of heart disease) was heart disease, not to worry says she, you are being monitored! Like I was some specimen! She does think I get too much info off internet.
Did you ever notice, that you can show a Consultant Rheumatologist something like a lump of inflammation on your hand or wrist/ankle/ finger and they look curiously at it, prod it, and give you the impression that they have never seen anything like it before? Why is this? Like gynaecologists..... surely they have seen every conceivable lump & bump associated with RA ?? I had a radiologist tell me that my inflammation was a ganglion!! I said it is not !!and sure enough he did a quick ultrasound and said 'you are right obviously you know your own body' Good Lord, where do these people come from!
Sorry for waffling, but its great to vent! My OH has said on occasion 'If I hear Rheum arth again!'