lve just Broke my tooth, can l have a tooth out or filling while on Benepeli bio drug? Or do I have to stop it? Before l have it done, would really be glad to of your help x Kate x
Borken tooth : lve just Broke my tooth, can l have a... - NRAS
Borken tooth

I'm on enbrel, Benepali is the bio smilar drug. I've been told fillings are okay it's if you have to have invasive dental treatment i.e root canal or extractions. Not sure about how long before you have to stop, but I remember being told you can't start back on them until there's no,signs of infection. I'd contact your Rheumy team for advice.
Yes I’ve had fillings but even at 71 a full set of teeth. The dentist should have a list of your medications and will decide. I’ve had root canal and not stopped anything.
I've had root canal work and continued with biologics (dentist has full knowledge of meds). When I had to have an extraction due to a broken tooth, the dentist insisted that it was done in hospital, and I consulted rheumatology as to how long I should stop the biologics for. He has also advised me against having implants. Luckily it's not an issue at the moment.
Having the filling is ok. I recently had extraction and I didn’t stop Humira. Extraction thankfully done at dentist. I was told I may need hospital treatment and then there was a possibility I would need to stop medication.
Just make sure they arecaware what medications your on,especially blood thinners, I'm sure itcwill be fine.
My dentist always checks my current medication and is very informed about any possible risks. She takes an active part in managing my condition because of the importance of avoiding or reducing any inflammation. But I've not needed to stop my biological treatment unless there is infection already present.
I had a tooth out last year while on Benepali,the dentist did look into it online while I was in the chair,and agreed to take it out as it was very loose anyway,and would have probably come out on its own before hospital could do it!I did not stop Benepali as injection only once a week.i did pause steroids though for a couple of days .it seems that dentist can refuse or agree,which is fair enough! X
I had a ton of implants and didn't stop the meds (benepali/mtx). The dentist spoke to the consultant. He did order in antibiotics in case I needed them - but didn't
I was told I needed to be off Benapali for 4 weeks before broken tooth extraction and could not go back on until I had blood tests to prove no infection. I never had the tooth removed that was 5 years ago.
My dentist phoned my rheumatology dept and between them they discussed a planned extraction. Just had to stop Benipali that week