Broken tooth!: I've noticed the backs of my two front... - NRAS


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Broken tooth!

wishbone profile image
23 Replies

I've noticed the backs of my two front teeth have become badly worn and thin over the years, so much so that a large piece has broke off one of them. Went to the dentist last wednesday and have an appointment to have it filled on monday. The dentist was rather puzzled how the backs of my two front teeth had worn so badly (rest of my teeth are ok) and asked me if I have a habit of grinding my teeth, which I don't awake or in my sleep. She seemed a little reluctant to believe me at first though I think she came around later. I did ask her if it could be related to my RA or the meds I'm taking, but as mentioned.. she didn't seem to have a clue what the cause might be.

Wondering if anyone else may have had similar issues with wear on their front teeth and what the caused it?


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wishbone profile image
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23 Replies

Apparently, as told by my dentist, acid reflux attacks the teeth as well. When I registered with the dentist, I filled in the general forms of health/age/gender etc etc, & she noticed that I have a hiatus hernia, she also asked if my grind my teeth, of which I don't. That's when she mentioned that the acid reflux attacks the teeth. I've never had a sweet tooth, never drink fizzy drinks etc, so this gave me an answer, as to why.

Don't know if this helps at all, but it may be one reason.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

Thanks Ruthy, it certainly does help.

I never gave my acid reflux a thought!..what a twerp!..I blame it on RA related brain fog! I'll be sure to let my dentist know about it on monday. Funny how it's just my two front teeth that seem to be affected.


Dodo1943 profile image

Do you by any chance suck Adcal-D3 lozenges? After only 6 months usage, twice daily, my new dentist was surprised to find 4 cavities - 2 of which were on the back of my top front teeth. When I returned for the fillings I offered this possible explanation. She looked it up on her computer and advised rinsing mouth with water after each dose. I’d also noticed ‘bumpy’ enamel on the 2 top fronts, which I had put down to advanced age!

wishbone profile image

No, but I've been having a regular manuka honey nightcap for close on the last two years. I drink it to combat urinary tract infections and it seems to be helping so no chance of stopping. I'll start to rinse my mouth out after my nightcap and maybe having it in the day will be better. Will own up to my dentist on monday. A mixture of acid & sweet honey!! I'm getting on a bit in years. Guess I should be thankful that only my two front teeth are affected. V:-)

Thanks Dodo

phil_54 profile image

Hi Wishbone, I recently have experienced changes with my teeth particularly my 2 front teeth all of a sudden a gap appeared between them it was as if they were moving in my gums also the bottom edge feel as if they are crumbling i went to the dentist and asked the same question to which she replied dont think so but couldnt explain the reasons, I do believe it could be a combination of RA and the meds until someone tells me different.

Good luck

Barrister profile image
Barrister in reply to phil_54

This happened to me 8 years ago, I developed a gap between my two front teeth and also the one beside and noticed that one tooth seemed lower. I went to the dentist who did X-rays which showed a cyst growing in between the roots in the gum. I had surgery to remove the cyst. I was told that I was lucky it was caught so quickly because usually it isn’t discovered until so much bone is replaced by the cyst that the jaw breaks.


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to phil_54

I've had a gap between my two front teeth for as long as I can remember, other than that what's happened to your teeth sounds very similar to mine. The only substantial thickness left is a couple of millimeters adjacent to the gum.

Thanks Phil


Barrister profile image
Barrister in reply to wishbone

The root canal became calcified so saw an endodentist who was able to do the root canal on it and was able to save the tooth. But also had a lot of root canals over the last few years along with crowns.


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Barrister

I hope my dentist can get away with just filling it as she says. If it needs more work than that then I think I'll have it taken out.

Thanks Clemmie


ITYFIALMCTT profile image

I'm currently in the middle of a lot of dental treatment which is eye-wateringly expensive. 2 micro fractures to teeth; one crown needed; some periodontal treatment. The dentist said that the PsA is affecting the ligaments in my jaw and I seem to be picking up problems that I've never had previously (I've never previously needed even a scaling and now I have substantial gum recession and some periodontal problems).

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

I'm a bit surprised that my dentist is just going to fill my broken front tooth as it is so thin until near the gum that I'm afraid it will break again. Would have thought capping it might be better, but I'm no dentist so what do I know?


Scrappie54 profile image

I too have this problem. My front right broke on the back the dentist said it was because of the meds I was on. If you use an inhaler make sure you rinse out every time. Meds weaken the enamel on teeth which can not be added on.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Scrappie54

Thanks Scrappie,

Did your dentist fill or cap your broken tooth?

Scrappie54 profile image
Scrappie54 in reply to wishbone

It can not be filled, so I have to have a cap made. First must do a root canal which afraid to do. Had one down a few years ago went wrong, more pain than help ending had to have pulled anyway

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Scrappie54

My dentist reckons she can fill it. I hope she's right as I'm not keen on paying over £200 for a cap. Think I'll go for an extraction if that's the case as I'm not too bothered about having a gap in my front teeth.


Joy_1 profile image

Yep I have heard of this. I've heard one of the main causes is acid reflux.

Goodness me - and I am not even a dentist!

Ali_H profile image

Once I was diagnosed with RA my dentist checks each time for dry mouth, gland swelling and recommended that I use duraphat 5000 X3 a week which has extra fluoride in. Also don’t use mouth wash at the same time as brushing as it rinses the fluoride from toothpaste off - the toothpaste in expensive but I’m 3 1/2 years in and no change in teeth health so am sticking with the regime.

We’ve also talked about having a fluoride varnish (like they use for children) if my teeth start to show undue decay.

All the best


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Ali_H

An orthodontist told me that I had a dry mouth a couple of years back. I did mention this and my RA as a possible cause to my dentist but didn't get much response. Guess I could have looked after my teeth better as far as paying regular visits to the dentist is concerned, but have looked after them otherwise, and bar for a couple of missing molars, I have a decent set of teeth for my age. That's up until this current issue started obviously.

Duh, RA has certainly caused me some problems, this may be a lesser one, but still a blinkin' nuisance!

Thanks Ali


Goodytwoshoes profile image
Goodytwoshoes in reply to Ali_H

I changed dentists and have had 2 check ups - each time the dental nurse has put the fluoride on my teeth. Never had it before then and I am over 60 years old!

Pippyxyz profile image

Have you been tested for celiac disease?

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Pippyxyz

Nope, what is celiac disease and are there any other symptoms?

Pippyxyz profile image

Hi WIshbone, CD is an autoimmune disease with many symptoms, but often does not have symptoms at all, or you've had them so long you think they're normal. I tell everyone I know, "if you you have symptoms that you cannot explain, get the Celiac test". You can find a lot of info on it online.

Good luck!

wishbone profile image

Phew, that's a relief!..sort of anyway! wouldn't have surprised me one bit if it turned out to be yet another potential death sentence hanging over my head.

Thanks Pipi, I'll look into it. :-)

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