Well finally had wisdom tooth out on Tuesday but now think I have an infection will be ringing hospital in the morning
Tooth: Well finally had wisdom tooth out on Tuesday but... - NRAS

But was it a wise choice, let's hope the infection clears soon.
My husband had wisdom tooth out a few weeks back & made a huge fuss. I felt some sympathy when I found out the dentist had had to spend 20 minutes tugging at it, though mostly for her, she's just a little thing! Yep, he subsequently got an infection but antibiotics sorted it out pretty quickly.
If you need antibiotics do double check whether you will need to temporarily stop any RA drugs ..... some dentists have a good knowledge of contraindications but if he or she shows any uncertainty check with your rheumy department.
I had mine out when I was a student back in the 80s. Went in for day surgery to have one out and came out with four great big holes! I got so ill afterwards - infection after infection and was on antibiotics for ages and this was well before RA. I would phone the hospital first thing and keep swilling salty water or diluted TCP for the time being.
could just be a dry socket - its amazing how painful that can get, but its easily fixed by repacking the hole.
Yes I had dry socket after a major extraction, I had to go back and get it re packed twice, but that sorted it. I was wondering if our meds ( immunosuppressants) make healing slower? Also, my dentist asked me to contact Rheumy in advance to see if she wanted to put me on steroids, not sure if that is common, but she didn't anyway, dentist was a bit surprised. Anyone, else experience this sort of thing? Curious?
Just had eleven teeth Pulled out on Friday. The pain was unbearable at first but three days on things are looking good. Worried About infection seems to be part and parcel of any dental work. I'm on cimzia so been told to be extra cautious. Trying to be positive as I now have a nice smile again after years of neglect. All I need now is my knees and ankles to stop hurting so I can go out and show it off. All the best and hope your wisdom teeth heal up with out to much trouble.
you have my sympathy ! have had 2 teeth out in the last month , the 1st one is ok ish now but the one I had done 2 weeks ago is still playing up , my jaw joint is painful too when I open my mouth. think it didn't help having my mouth that wide open for a while , going to see rheumy on wed, so will mention it then I think , hope you feel better soon x