For your advice, I had both wrists injected yesterday, I was told 24hrs total rest then only light use of my hands for a further 24 hours, then back to normal, well as normal as life gets with RA.
Bless you all
For your advice, I had both wrists injected yesterday, I was told 24hrs total rest then only light use of my hands for a further 24 hours, then back to normal, well as normal as life gets with RA.
Bless you all
Oh , I had one wrist injected two weeks ago. It's mostly not sore now but I can't bend it at all.
What was going on with your wrists and how much improved are they?
it’s difficult after a Steriod injection , how can you rest 🤔
I had one in my shoulder 2 weeks ago and had to drive home afterwards 🤷♀️ right shoulder and right handed
I hear you, I was told not to drive to or from the appointment, but resting is very difficult when you have to move at times
Sorry to say that I was told my insurance was invalidated if I drove after a steroid injection and instructed not to.
That's good to know because I have never been told that but was told I could not drive after my rituximab infusions but I had lots of people telling that it wasn't the case. If your told by your heath team follow their advice like I do xx